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Posts posted by Mr.E.D.Meaner

  1. I thought that too, and was aghast, but half an hour after watching it, it occurred to me that

    the brain guy who clearly hasn't actually been caught will be the real perp. I think what happened is that somehow they concentrated on Quinn at the wrong times (or they did it intentionally as you suggest) but forgot to infer that the person who killed cassie and what's his name hamilton were the same person. But as I say, it twigged for me later and left me a little relieved.


    Or, I could be wrong and the writers are actually just as useless as they seem!


  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Jz0JcQYtqo


    So there is this guy called zefrank (pretty sure has something to do with buzzfeed) - he has started making 'true facts' videos about weird animals in the animal kingdom. I'd be surprised if this video about the Tarsier was the first and last of his videos that you watched. My wife and I watched them all last night and they very much had us in fits of laughter. Not ALL of them are hilarious - but most of them are.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Really?

    A protege plotline is about the last thing I could want to close out the Dexter saga. Especially when the character he is sizing up for the role is so incredibly douchy.



    It's like they created all this incredible tension between him and Deb - and they have wussed out on taking it somewhere interesting.

  4. I didn't think Dexter was so bad - though it's a bit ridiculous how these huge dramatic things happen and the show goes to exactly zero lengths to show fallout from them. Hell, Dexter and Deb didn't even have a scratch, let alone seem to need to explain to anyone why they had an accident. (Just like how magically the end of last season seems to have been easy for the team at miami metro to wrap up into a neat little package.

    I also don't love the new 'dad' in Vogel. Back when Dexter started it was smart and intelligent in and of itself - now it's like they are trying to force feed us some kind of 'lesson' or 'virtue' as if that's what we want. It's season 8 folks, we actually just want to see how the story is going to wrap up - not to have you delve into Dexter's psyche from the 15th different angle.

  5. Well we have that to look forward to haha.


    I agree Tigger, I was frothing by the end of Elementary - so good. I love the play between Sherlock and Cole too, and how he shows signs of learning deduction.


    I'm not very well versed in the literature (I've read only A Study in Scarlett, after seeing the movies) now I have become an addict - Sherlock, Elementary and I'm considering visiting some of the seventies stuff (which is reportedly good).

  6. Word is that Jackman worked his ass off and claims it was the first time he felt he was in the right physique for the role :o


    Liked the movie, nice to wash the man of steel taste out of my mouth, and I went in expecting to be let down, which often tends to help a film feel good. I had only a few nit picks, one was viper, I found her to not only pointless but awful. Recently in movies I have found the role of femme fatale, where a bad girl type role where she is supposed to be all sexy very off putting - I'm sure it pitches tents in a certain demographic, but I honestly just find it repulsive!


    And my other nitpicks were the bear (it's honestly disappointing to know that Weta were responsible for that....) and some of the train fight scene (which I already knew I would be a bit against, based on my reaction to the trailer. Overall I liked the fight, but it a few bits of it were 'too' fake for my taste.


    Otherwise, well acted, well paced, great story arc, and of course the teaser for the next movie was a treat.

  7. The Vogel plot just seems too forced, pulling this really important character out of the sock draw without even a hint of her existence before. Also, the Black woman who randomly showed up end of last season really needs an introduction if they plan on having her around all season - it's starting to get awkward.

  8. I started Mass Effect one afternoon about a year ago - played through the first mission - never came back to it. Well I came back, and so far I am really liking it. Thought it was going to be linear, but already I see it's anything but - with the ability to explore uncharted worlds etc. Very cool!

  9. Oh I'll see it, but I'm just saying I let myself build up expectation for MOS - by not watching more recent trailers etc. I'm actually not usually one to have expectations, I prefer to see a movie knowing and having seen nothing - so as to judge it purely in the moment. Ironically that is what I thought I was achieving by avoiding trailers but realistically I suppose I was building anticipation. Funnily enough I closed my eyes for the Hobbit: DOS trailer - but then I don't honestly expect to be disappointed by that - given the strength of the LOTR series and the first movie, I can't imagine them really fouling it up. But I'm sure I could be proved wrong haha.

  10. Oh I am so painfully disappointed - I wish I had trolled this thread more before I went (or maybe saved myself from going.) I don't know how they got away with this - because the first time I saw a teaser I was like lol, no. Then the second trailer I was like, hell yes! Then I decided to not watch any more trailers so I went in blind and excited last night. The first 50 minutes or so were quite good, I liked the character building, I liked the Jor-El background info and the 'different atmosphere gives him strength' ideas, then about the time Zod shows up I feel like someone grabbed the movie by the nuts, and then within a few minutes of that they took a big dirty dump over everything they had achieved up to that point.


    By the end of the movie I was foul - I wanted it to be over and I was literally scowling and making snarky remarks at everything that I thought was wrong with it. But most of all I hated the action, or destruction porn as it has been called, but basically just every fight scene left me cold. But there was just so much stupid other stuff in there that made it worse.


    So gutted! I won't be letting myself get excited about a movie like that again any time soon - I'm already lowering my expectations of Wolverine to avoid disappointment.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Ha, metanoia, I thought of that the other day, calling it the One Eighty, cause the new console it might be a turn for the worse for microsoft, so maybe with this news it should be the xbox 270? :) (Cause there is still some room for policy change in favour of the consumer.

  12. To be fair, it's not like Doritos are strangers to video games, with at least 3 Doritos games released that I am aware of, but it's still tacky.


    In other new: http://majornelson.com/2013/06/19/your-feedback-matters-update-on-xbox-one/


    On the one hand, you have to hand it to microsoft for listening to the bad feedback and making a positive choice. On the other hand, the fact that they tried to get away with this in the first place shows a complete lack of respect for their consumers who, if polled, obviously would have told them these things and saved them all this bad press and negative feedback. So it's kinda a bitter sweet piece of news.

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