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Posts posted by Mr.E.D.Meaner

  1. I get the impression that noone else here is playing the assassin's creed series - so I'll be brief - Assassin's creed 3 was a bunch of malarky! There was so much promise - but I have never seen a more tepid end to a game. I was already planning to avoid AC4 - based on that fact that I can't stand them doing the annual game release thing - but added to that is the belief that they have lost their way.


    Oh well...on to other games haha...


    {EDIT} one last thing...dramatic sequences (especially endings) are usually more interesting, engaging, immersive etc etc etc when you don't cut cinematic every 10 seconds for a loading screen.

  2. I haven't seen any PS4 stuff are we talking elbow drop on price, or other things?


    [EDIT]: Ohhhh...that's unfortunate. I was well wrong - they didn't have all the same policies... I wonder if MS would back down and change theirs in lieu of this? Doubt it.


    Last question, it sounds like PS will be charging for online games now?

  3. I can't believe the price difference! When Ps3 & 360 came out PS3 was by far more expensive - now in kiwiland xbox is $100 dearer on release!


    Ah well, I won't be getting either so I'm not too fussed!


    I am rather chuffed at the idea of getting two free games a month from xbox live though!


    And lastly, they took the xbox 360 design, took all the class and edge out of it and made it look so sedate and boring. The current design has venom, a kind of badassness about it - why would they take that away!?

  4. Just before I got into my car after a game of Squash I thought "Oh I should stretch, last time I drove home my legs were a bit stiff." As I started stretching I received a text - after I checked the text I left it on the roof of my car. Then once it fell off the roof it obviously got run over a few times and I collected it from a shop the next day that picked it up off the road.


    I'm not materialistic (or at least I don't think I am) but gosh it was frustrating to lose something, realise what the funny donking noise was, be annoyed because it was all cause of my stretching, use 'find my iphone' and see roughly where it was but not be able to find it. So it was relief to just get it back the next day (it's works phone not mine anyhow) even though it was in this condition. I'm not fussed, just showing off really haha.


    Great photo Inca, off to vote now!

  5. I feel like it's important to point out that any gripes about Xbox One (backwards compatability, charges on rentals etc) are most likely just going to be the same on PS4 (that blue spot on the dual shock 4 means that 'move' or whatever they call it WILL be essential on PS4). With regard to the Gold costs Lou mentioned, I really think gamers should get a break and have the gold charges removed. Charge for all your NFL, netflix etc etc, but just to play online - that should be free. Dropping that would be a massive power move against Playstation - but realistically, I don't see Micro$oft giving up those dollars.


    I think it is kind of ironic that their name for the console, which implies you won't need any other system completely misses the fact that every xbox gamer in current existence probably WILL need another system! Their 360 - because it has all the games they love on it!! That kind of seems a glaring oversight!


    Will be keen to see some games - especially the ones that are unique to Xbox announced at E3. I'm most keen to see what Just Cause 4 will be like!

  6. You got a Wolvy trailer? Lucky!!!


    I've never taken in IMAX to be honest. Almost went once in Aussie, but for $36 AUS (with a bad selection of movies) I declined. One day maybe!

  7. As I heard one person say - they had the world stage, spotlight on them, and that's what came out? It'll be good, but they seriously left a lot of gamers underwhelmed. They are definitely heading for the general commercial market, rather than just strictly gamers.

  8. Thanks Mark, wifey and I set out to watch the very first episode of Star Trek, but the website we consulted led us wrong - so the first we ever watched was 'The Man Trap'. It was very entertaining, although somewhat slow paced - not so much story wise, just via the long gazing head shots it employs (which I'm sure is most likely to be similar across the Original Series?)


    Highlights were definitely the reveal of the salt vampire, the regular holding of the crooked index finger up to the mouth by nancy et al. the comical amount of time it took Bones to shoot the salt vampire and my personal favourite, a jaunty little run from Shatner as they try to out tact the husband on the M planet. (Wish I could find a gif or video...)


    Also - Shatner is actually damn handsome!


    Found a video! (Still don't know how to imbed...)


  9. I definitely enjoyed it - but for some reason I felt removed from it for a large part of it - rather than immersed in it entirely. Love the characters, the sub texts and the general vibe but there were a few things that irked me - one which is spoiler heavy, and kind of a major plot point and the other was that while well done, the trailer showed too much. (For that reason I am closing my eyes every time Man of Steel trailers air (The sound bites are pretty standard so I don't mind hearing them).


    Probably most notable is the fact that I am now keen to delve into the Star Trek universe at large. (Aside from the epidemic of Star Trek pop culture references I have seen over the years Star Trek (2009) was my frist official taste of the saga. This curiosity arises based on seeing more of the original cast's take on these characters (because I find the relationships etc really interesting!)


    This begs the question (which might be hotly debated?) of where to start!?

  10. Fallout New Vegas ?


    I have it, and that is what I intended - but honestly the 80 odd hours I put into FO3 were enough for me to decide to leave it on ice for a while...


    It's fallen to finishing Assasin's Creed 3. I think I am done with this series though - I can't see myself picking up 4.

  11. Phew... Fallout 3 & all DLC complete (by achievements standards anyhow.) That was a mission - kinda a bit tiresome by the end!


    Now what next... Been playing NBA 2k13 which is a good lark, need to see out Assassin's Creed 3 and then the laundry list of other games....

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