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Posts posted by Mr.E.D.Meaner

  1. Just started playing guitar/band hero with wifey - she hates video games normally, but is incredibly into music - has been super fun, she rocks the gat and I rock the drums. Fun for the whole whanau!

  2. Just watched the finale of Dexter - kind of ambivalent about it. I thought season 7 was doing so well - then it just got real messed up somewhere along the line - came right just before the end and then I don't really know what to make of it - and I don't really see where it's going to lead next season! There were just way too many ups and downs through the season, so many times I went 'brilliant' and 'wtf?' (in the bad way) within the space of episodes, even minutes. I thought they had their heads on their shoulders but it seems maybe they just fluked it a bit!

  3. Loved the Hobbit - I was never really amped on it, due to my gripes about the look of most of the Dwarves and the milking it factor of turning it into 3 films, but I'm hooked now. I haven't read the book in about 17 years, so I don't recall much, and didn't know for sure what is from other Tolkien books and which is from the hobbit (though I have inklings). I thought the principal actors were excellent (Freeman, McKellan, Armitage) but regrettably I still can't get over the way the dwarves look. Up to half of them have disagreeable faces to my mind. That being said I think I will be watching it with other friends again really soon.


    Watched Salmon Fishing in the Yemen and The Grey with wifey last night - both reasonable films, but The Grey was a bit more dull than the trailers initially made me think. I would have rated Salmon up there as an excellent film because the story and the acting were both excellent (I'd forgotten that Ewan McGregor was so excellent) but my traditional values can't really let me get behind a movie where a main character [spoiler: just up and leaves his wife].

  4. Oh gosh that girl's aim made me sad. I've watched the 8th episode now, and I concur Rogan, I got a very Lost (Tailies) vibe when this other group showed up - and was expecting it to include a reveal that it was the prison post war. Not a bad episode - the Govenor actually had me convinced he wasn't a Pyscho for a second with his explanation about the heads. Then I remembered everything else haha.


    On another note - mid season breaks are a joke - it honestly feels like they started doing them after that big strike a few years back - deciding that they would turn it into "a good idea".

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  5. Oh gosh that girl's aim made me sad. I've watched the 8th episode now, and I concur Rogan, I got a very Lost (Tailies) vibe when this other group showed up - and was expecting it to include a reveal that it was the prison post war. Not a bad episode - the Govenor actually had me convinced he wasn't a Pyscho for a second with his explanation about the heads. Then I remembered everything else haha.


    On another note - mid season breaks are a joke - it honestly feels like they started doing them after that big strike a few years back - turned it into "a good idea".

  6. 526747_10151166852328173_1042616121_n.jpg


    I've just watched episode 7, so I skipped past all the recent comments because I wanted to ask: What exactly does this guy (from the attached file) think he is going to shoot with this bent barreled rifle!? Also, I loved the way the zombies caught the drifter when his body was shoved out - it was like a zombie trust fall...

  7. More surprising is "Oh, the information he needs for his experiment to succeed is at home, but my Dad tried to hide it from everybody. Maybe I should be careful about who I share that with." *hands over the information without blinking an eye."

  8. I agree with A. Heathen, in New Zealand I have started to resent these facial hair phenomena (crazy I know, seeing as I am such a clear cut advocate) because the kiwi response is not to grow a handsome ironic moustache as Charlie has done so incredibly well - but rather a skeevy, pedophile-like, bum fluff moustache. It could be that said perps are just more follically challenged - but that doesn't make it ok.


    Going back to that picture however - Charlie are you the boss at your work, or just 'the boss' in general? Because that group photo is all you buddy. And it's not just the tracksuit or the contrasting green chair - the expert non-chalant-ness of your pose is a thing of beauty. I can't decide whether the 'invitational' nature of the photo foreshadows death or lovin'. (Partial credit to Jason Segel and the dude in the green shirt, who do a great job framing you and looking like your slaves/subjects.) (And a special mention to the dude in the black tee at the back leaning on the other green chair - he would be on your GTA cover also.)

  9. No not at all, I got an influx of games, Battlefield 3, AC 3, Tekken Tag 2 - and I started playing forza 4 with a steering wheel. So, given that I mostly play games on my lunchbreak or when wifey is sleeping in on the weekends (I.e. not much) - I haven't had much time to play SSX lately!

  10. 3 reveals in Dexter slinker? I think I can count two: (Isaac being gay/Victor being his lover and not his son and the conversation with Deb where she tells him she loves him, which for the record, I couldn't work out whether it was tremendous acting from her or appalling. Other than that - do you mean LaGuerta's investigation with the boat?)


    As for Louis, I felt his subplot was kind of an egregious addition to the plot, and was immediately worried that the Sal subplot was the same, but now I just realise they were brilliant vehicles to get us to this point.


    Also, I couldn't help but think of John (McMahon) in the scene on the beach, knowing how fond of Jamie he said he was. :p

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