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Posts posted by electricinca

  1. Great set of posts Beki. Couldn't agree more.


    Complaints about poor representation of women in gaming might seem trivial on the surface but it is an indicator of an underlying issue that hasn't been tackled and when some people react with such violent hate to what is quite reasonable criticism you have to think that actually the critics might have a point.

    • Upvote 1
  2. We started with a mix of both baby led and feeding her purees to see what she really took to. Freaked out every time she gagged when feeding herself and we had a few occasions of her throwing up almost everything she'd just eaten because she got a bit over enthusiastic and shoved something right in.


    She's loving it now and it is a joy to watch her munching away. She really loves broccoli!


    Yoghurt is very messy, maybe 25% of it actually ends up in her mouth.


    We give her a bit of what we're having quite often. She has had some of the Sunday roast the last few weeks.

  3. Of course they do. :icon_rolleyes:


    Since the Marvel Cinematic Universe has taken off in such a huge way everyone is trying to emulate that success. Sony is trying to milk as much out of the Spider-Man franchise as they possibly can whilst they still own the rights to the characters.

  4. I'm just waiting for this to die down, then people will start raging over that new game HATRED which is pretty much a copy of Postal & Postal 2, just with really bad timing and taking advantage of all the school shootings that have been happening. Then when that dies down, people will start raging over the same sex romance options in Dragon Age or Mass Effect 4, and so on and etc.


    It's not going to die down until all FPS and crime themed sandbox games are completely eradicated and replaced with games where characters sit down with a nice cup of tea and talk about their feelings. Because that's what the stakes are in this battle, right. The Future of Gaming!


    Actually Wolvy I think your ambivalence is a perfectly valid standpoint on GamerGate, you are not required to express your viewpoint on it. GamerGate will fizzle out and the inherent misogyny that runs deep in our society will rear its ugly head again in some other fashion.

  5. Why is Barry the only good metahuman in Central city? Why are all the others evil except for Barry when they all were affected by the same phenomenon?


    My wife asked me exactly the same question. :laugh:


    Out of the comic book based TV shows that are on at the moment (and there seems to be dozens) this is my favourite right now. It is so much fun and Grant Gustin is perfect as Barry Allen.

  6. I'm a bit behind on my telly watching at the moment. Only just got around to watching the second season of Hannibal.


    I'm the only one in my family that is watching it as weirdly neither Amy or my brother got into it even though they both like that sort of thing. Amy hasn't seen any of the films or read the books though so maybe that's why in her case. I really enjoy the slow burn of it. The tension is brilliant as is the game playing and manipulation of others by Will Graham and Hannibal.

  7. Eventually we will all have to face changes online - recent trials of "Twitter trolls" have shown that people get carried away, (falsely) believing words online do not carry the weight of words in conventional print or spoken in public and that so far no one really knows what to do about it.


    The idea that there is a difference between the online world and what we called RL is such an outdated concept and yet people still think what is said on Twitter isn't the same as saying it in public on the street.


    I think that the internet has fundamentally changed the world in ways that we are only just now grasping. It is such a weird thing conceptually for people to deal with and I'm not sure that even the younger generation who have grown up with it really understand it.

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  8. Great and insightful post, inca! [and really good seeing you here again]


    Don't have much to add right now, except the funny trivia that


    I hope that the following is correct, I believe that the rise in misogyny on the internet is actually the death throes of this belief in The West. I would quote Gandhi "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win"



    I've been seeing GamerGate folks take this exact quote as proof of their impending "victory" :D


    Of course they fucking use that quote because they see it as a battle.

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