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Posts posted by electricinca

  1. Being married has really eaten in to my forum time in the last eleven months (can't believe that it's almost our first anniversary).


    But I noticed that Red's post count has nearly caught mine and wishing to retain my coveted 4th position I've decided to make a return. Actually I decided to pop in to wish Jessie and Whitney congratulations on their wedding.


    Tigger sorry to hear about your dad mate, wishing you and your folks all the best with coping with the situation.


    Work has becoming incredibly busy and frustrating for me now. We've just gone live with the new housing and financial management system at the housing association that I work in IT at. The project team have spent two years on it the last eight months of which has been pretty much just ironing out the bugs and cleansing the data and they've just handed it over to IT and the support calls have come flooding in.


    The system is so badly programmed and it is consuming resources of my server infrastructure like nobody's business and also it has become clear to me now that the user training was woefully inadequate as our helpdesk is getting many calls about the most basic of things.

  2. Pre-empted by ~Slinker I see but yeah I'm a married man now!


    Just returned from Cornwall where we spent just over a week and having got married at just after 11am on 11/11/11.


    Going to bed now but here's a couple of photos that Amy has already posted to Facebook but we have over 7GB of pics so I'll post a few more along with a full description when I wake up.





  3. Steve, happy birthday.


    Please tell us that your sibling rang you up and said "Happy birthday, I got you a niece, but you will have to collect her when you return from China, have you seen the shipping costs for parcels!".




    Happy Birthday Steve.

  4. I saw Hanna a week or so ago but I will have to watch it again because it was late and I'd had a few drinks so I didn't really take it in, but yes it was a very bizarre brilliant film.


    Bourne movie by David Lynch is very appropriate description.

  5. Toy Story 3 is more poignant than sad I'd say. You really should watch it Tony.


    I recently saw the film Waiting for Superman, which despite the title is not a comic book film but a documentary about the US education system.


    It had received rave reviews but I think it was deeply flawed, it oversimplified the problem and was emotional manipulative.


    Basically it poses the question why is the US no longer top of the world when it comes to education league tables?

    Comparing the 1950s with today the US seems to have dropped from #1 to around #20


    One of the reasons offered is that part of the issue is that the rest of the world has simply caught up with the US economically in the intervening period. The film covers this entire aspect in less than a minute and spends a large proportion of the film attacking the teacher's unions.


    Bad teachers lead to poor teaching and poor teaching leads to a cycle of educational underachievement for many students.


    Bad teachers stay in their jobs due to their union-secured contracts which guarantee them tenure (which unlike tenure for university professors is apparently automatic after just a number years of service) and tenured teachers are virtually impossible to dismiss.

  6. Reading the start of this thread I noticed this bit posted by Mark also.


    Superman's near-invulnerability doesn't necessarily make him boring - it just means setting him against low-level criminals isn't likely to make for a particularly thrilling story, in much the same way as pitting Batman in a stand-up knock-down brawl against someone like Darkseid probably isn't going to work all that well. Kudos to a writer who could pull it off, but it shouldn't be the norm.


    Not only did Morrison pull off the feat of creating a Superman series that lives up to the idea of what the character should represent but he's also had Batman face off against Darkseid and win (albeit not in a stand-up knock-down brawl).

  7. I enjoyed Limitless, it's never going to be considered a classic but it's a relatively intelligent fun romp.


    Bradley Cooper does well in his role here and is very believable as both unkempt intellectually blocked writer and suave genius.


    He also acts as a great foil to Zach Galifianakis in The Hangover 2 which I saw yesterday. Again this is a fun movie that is never going to win any awards and it is very fucked up and crazy at times with a tad too much ladyboy cock.

  8. The second half of the season is due to start in September which means it will probably end October/November leaving something like a 6-8 week gap until the Christmas special (assuming there is one and I haven't heard otherwise).


    But until then we still have two more episodes to enjoy.

  9. And I, for one, welcome our new cyborg overlords.


    Both of those are amazing to me. In the case of Rob Summers I'm very pleased to see that although it was too late to benefit Christopher Reeve that this was in some part due to his belief that such a thing was possibly.


    I'm a proud owner of the Superman dog tags sold to benefit the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation.

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