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Demon Chas08

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Posts posted by Demon Chas08

  1. I'm guessing it's some sort of promo stuff for a Doctor Who audio adventure, starring Paul McGann in his 8th Doctor incarnation - but ditching the period costume & floppy hair for Christopher Ecclestone's 9th Doctor's jacket - and someone who is his companion and is Irish and whose name appears to be Ruth Bradley (I presume that's the actress, not the role).


    Can't see the other picture, but from the text I'd say it's a pic of Chase Masterson who played Leeta in DS9 who - I'm guessing - is in two other audio adventures with McGann.


    Do I win a prize?


    *Smack hand like a disgruntled nun*


    The new 8th Doctor Box Set coming out this month will follow on from last year's EDA To The Death and the aftermath of the deaths of Lucie Miller and his great-grandson Alex. Bradley's character is named Molly O'Sullivan, a DAF nurse during WWI. It's all meta in a sense, two years away from the 100th anniversary, the 25/26th anniversary of The Monocled Mutineer mini-series McGann starred in.


    Not quite Eccleston's coat. The one McGann wears is more close to a naval pea coat than the black U-Boat jacket we've come to see; and it has a sachel and a steampunk Sonic Screwdriver. Here's the Armageddon '10 convention video where the new look first appeared for better explanation. After 16 years, he finally got his way about what his Doctor should wear (and more new pictures).





    As for the sexy Ms. Masterson, she's appearing in the 7th Doctor story The Shadow Heart as part of a new trilogy; Doc 5 part was September, Doc 6 part was last month (like Excelis). It's sort of like the Star Wars prequels but without George Lucas and no Jar Jar and better written. The other audio she'll be in is a Subscribers only release with Tom Baker and Louise Jameson.

  2. Jenkins's supporting cast were real.

    This was a problem.


    Take a look at Denise Mina's worst character.



    There's no place for real people in The Hellblazers.


    Less said about him the better. Then again, I'd sooner revisit Chris Cole and Steve Evens before Epiphany and that pedo mobster for a father.

  3. That was the one weak point in Jenkins for me. I didn't like the supporting cast (they were annoying), outside Dani.


    My only complant regarding Dani is her dialogue was a tad off at times. Kinda like one Perpugilliam Brown...

  4. I liked the opening issue of Good Intentions, though.


    I liked the whole story, some parts more than others, or course. Highwater was great, too. Especially if you live stateside and even more so if you find yourself in the south for any duration. That kind of "god, white power and guns" subject matter resonates with me because it is so much more prevalent than most people understand or will admit to understanding--even in my home of Northern Cal, mislabeled as the origin of hippy liberals. The country in California is no different from the country in the south or anywhere else in the US: it's where the freaks dwell (and freaks is normally a positive term when I use it, but not here. Here I mean mental and emotional freaks).


    The country outside of cities is lovely and full of people who will go out of their way to help someone in their time of need with no strings attached. But all those nice people have twice as many "cousins" and other "kinfolk" living far outside of the cities where sportfucking animals and hating people with dark skin are commandments straight from the mouth of white Jesus, and for which they'll shave their heads and tattoo Nazi symbols all over themselves ( and Jesus, to them, most certainly was not a "dirty jew"--not my words, folks, I love jewish people, but I used the term for effect because it's how they think, even though their bible tells them he WAS a jew--and they use the terms like the hard "R" "n word" and the myriad racial slurs for hispanics--all of whom are harder working and more honest and true than every inbred cracker who ever felt up his sister with no moral misgivings whatsoever). Hate comes from fear and they are scared of everyone who isn't white, and they consider them, and their "turncoat white sympathizers" as the enemy. And the enemy must be killed.


    And these are the people who occupy Highwater. It just amazes me how something so intense and powerful (even though the ending was disappointing and self-indulgent) was followed by the worst "pre-Milligan/sentient trenchcoat" story arc ever: Ashes & Dust. That story solidified Azz as Hellblazer's worst scribe until Milligan took it personally and decided to spill his inkwell all over everything remotely attached to Hellblazer.


    Freezes Over had its moments but yeah they were few and not substantial enough to warrant that many issues of Dog Day Afternoon--country-style.


    Hard Time was the best non-100 Bullets thing Azz ever did, with the exception of Turro. The reason Turro was such a bad character is because he was inconsistent as all fuck so Azz could use him in whatever way he wanted to get out of one scene or story arc to the next one--a cheat code that instead of linking the stories fluidly, tended to bog things down. And was Turro white or black or hispanic? He was drawn so differently from Corbin (his looked like Dr Venture with a slight tan) to Frusin (his looked like all his characters with heavy eyeliner on and no rouge) including Bradstreet's covers (on which Turro was white) to 'A fresh coat of red paint' in which Turro looks black. But Ashes and Dust, to me, undid the great moments of Hard Time, Good Intentions and Highwater to such dramatic effect that I won't read Ashes and Dust ever again. I read the Highwater portion of that trade and return it to the shelf.


    Turro looked more hispanic in #168 than black. Then again, it's Lee Loughridge

  5. Oh! I just thought of the perfect story-line! Piffy can cheat on John with Nick Necro!

    It'll be the perfect way to merge the DCU and Vertigo versions, and then we can get rid of Hellblazer, and just concentrate on the sales juggernaut that is Justice League Dark!

    "Ha, ha, John. You stole my girl, Zatanna, and now I fucked your wife. It was the perfect revenge. Now, let us have a magical duel in the House of Secrets."

    "You dirty blackguard. I say bollocks to your evil plans Nick Necro. I am the Hellblazer, and you will blaze in hell for your sins!" replied John, shooting a force blast at Nick Necro.

    To be continued in Justice League Dark.


    Superboy Prime, come back! You are forgiven!

  6. Well, of course it won't, for exactly the same reason that when they brought Doctor Who back they didn't dive straight into adaptations of the Virgin New Adventures. However good, and however beloved by fans, the extended universe material is, it's written for and aimed at a completely different audience from the cinematic franchise. I'm not much of a Star Wars fan, so I'm not hugely familiar with the EU novels, but so far as I can tell they're generally a lot more adult, a lot darker, and reliant on a far greater knowledge of fairly obscure continuity points than anything in the cinematic franchise. That would make a fantastic set of sequels for all those guys in their 30s and 40s who've grown up with this stuff, but would be downright suicidal for a set of films aimed at the same sort of audience as the original films were - ie., families who are familiar with the basic shape of the Star Wars universe, but don't really care beyond that.


    Ssve for Human Nature and Moffat cherrypicking his Decalogue and Bernice Summerfield short stories (Who doesn't notice that?!). That and declaring the bi-polar bitch that is the 10th Doctor "The Oncoming Storm" when 7th and 8th fit the description better.

  7. There appears to be a rumour about Gail Simone and Hellblazer on Bleeding Cool but I cannot access the relevant page.

    There is also Karen Berger's "BIG CHANGES" statement from that comic con you americans all had recently.


    Not much else.


    Not all to happy with Gail since de-cripplegate

  8. I haven't read his Doctor Who nerd book (mostly because the descriptions make it look far harsher on Graham Williams and JNT than either deserves, imo at least), but what does that have to do with Time And Relative? As Mark says, that's a masterpiece. I'm sure that there's better Who sharecrops out there, but I've not read any I can think of...

    In Graham Williams' case, the books penned by Gareth Roberts (and Jonathan Morris respectively) are the biggest defenders of Season 17.


    Speaking of the books, I heard the Big Finish adaptation of Love & War this weekend

  9. So, guys, #300 is thisclose, have there been any rumblings/rumours about the future of the series? Will it get cancelled/rebooted? Will we get someone other than Pete Milligan to write it or are we stuck with him? Is a serious reworking in the... erm... works?


    There's been no announcement as to whether Milligan's leaving or not. His trainwreck of a run might be the longest to date: five years (feels like a millenia at this point); a length I once hoped for Andy Diggle's.


    Today I learned that on Reddit, there is a large number of Hellblazer fans who love Milligan's run. We did some poking and it seems this faction includes fans of the film. So, my formula is Constanteen fans = Milligan Hellblazer fans/Constanteen haters = Milligan Hellblazer haters. I know it's very complicated, but there it is.


    By large number of fans, you mean Dan DiDio's multiple personalities. He has more of those than Sybil (and Russell T Davies)!

  10. I hesitate to ask, given that we seem to enjoy very, very different things about Doctor Who, but really..."Eww"? Because so far as I'm concerned 'Time and Relative' is absolutely superb, and I'd be genuinely interested in why you seem so viscerally against it.


    That said, this looks like a fun way of marking the 50th anniversary, and I'll be interested to see what they come up with.

    So much my Rape Ghost (from Robot Chicken) impersonation



    I'm not a huge fan of Newman's work nor his views on certain aspects of Who (i.e. K9)

  11. January: 1st/Susan (set pre-Unearthly Child) performed by Carole Ann Ford (with Tam Williams)

    Oooh! Could that be the (rather wonderful) Kim Newman Who story?


    Eww, NO! That's not getting adapted anytime soon. It's a new story.

  12. It's worth pointing out that both times Doctor Who has made noteworthy onscreen nods to the existence of some sort of in-universe fandom (the bloke-with-a-website subplot in the very first episode of the revived show, and pretty much the entire first half-hour of 'Love & Monsters') quite a lot of Doctor Who fans have gotten terribly upset about it, apparently in the belief that they were being grievously insulted by a showrunner who hated them.


    This is because quite a lot of Doctor Who fans are complete and utter twunts.


    So's the former Showrunner. The final product speaks louder than any interview given.

  13. Might as well throw this out there: Big Finish and AudioGo will be teaming up for year long release for the big 5-0; one audio with each Doctor.

    Including the dead ones?


    The first 3 Doctor releases will be done in Companion Chronicles style.


    January: 1st/Susan (set pre-Unearthly Child) performed by Carole Ann Ford (with Tam Williams)

    February: 2nd/Jamie/Zoe performed by Frazer Hines (with Evie Dawney)

    March: 3rd/?. With both Caroline John and Elisabeth Sladen no longer living, it'd most likely be performed by either Katy Manning or Richard Franklin (or if possible John Levine)


    Docs 4-11 could be either full cast or like the first three.

  14. Might as well throw this out there: Big Finish and AudioGo will be teaming up for year long release for the big 5-0; one audio with each Doctor.


    In other news, the wideload that is Ian Levine (and his few asskissers on Gallifrey Base) has gotten pissy over his animated Shada being rejected by 2Entertainment in favor of the VHS version and the 8th Doctor version.

  15. Dr. Who is far more famous and popular than Hellblazer.

    I'm sure there are a large number of Dr. Who fan sites on the internet, while there's probably only two or three devoted to Hellblazer specifically.

    This site hardly gets any activity, and it was the largest Hellblazer fan web-site until that FaceBook thing took off.


    Our comments about Milligan referring to us were pretty much just throw-away remarks. More of a "what if" scenario.


    Especially in the wake of that fucking movie. Then again, TheBatSquad website refuses to update their stuff for the New 52 material (and understandably so as the reboot's a fucking joke) so we're not entirely alone in the less active catagory.

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