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Demon Chas08

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Posts posted by Demon Chas08

  1. As a wise man (i.e. me) said on another website, he looks like a fan dressed as Troughton. There are braces, and presumably that's a recorder in his pocket.


    It's a bit hard to go off initial publicity shots, though. They're never quite what you end up with later.


    What recorder. All I saw was a water bottle

  2. Yes, excellent work, Tim. biggrin.gif


    I just flew back from New York and Billie Piper was on the plane. She looked like she'd been having a very tough time in that parallel universe by the time the plane landed.

    What the hell did you do to her? :smile:



  3. (Shameful plug) Speaking of Big Finish, check out my reviews for the Bernice Summerfield audio series at www.doctorwhoreviews.co.uk

    Forgive me if it's been remarked on before, but that domain name could be taken to refer to something else entirely.


    The link takes you to the Benny section of the site.Click on the home link and then enter the main page.



    Aside from my Benny reviews, there are also reviews of each Doctor(era). Plus Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures, and more.*


    This month's main page has a Dalek Timeline.

  4. DemonChas's new avatar reminds me that the 3rd, and most recent, series of shorter-form stories starring Paul McGann and Sheridan Smith, which concluded last Saturday, has been the strongest yet by a fair margin. Only one story which I thought was actively weak ('Wirrn Dawn', a fairly lame Starship Troopers pastiche with the Wirrn from Ark In Space as the bug-like aliens fighting a fascist force of Space Marines) - and one was mediocre ('Hothouse', a fairly bland environmentalist parable featuring the return of the Krynoids, from Seeds of Doom), with all the rest ranging from good to excellent.


    I was particularly fond of Pat Mills' The Scapegoat, a slightly-surreal bit of grand-guignol-with-a-sci-fi-twist set in WW2-era Paris, and Barnaby Edwards' The Beast of Orlok, a nicely-Hinchcliffe-ian bit of scifi horror set in the Black Forest during the early 19th century. But really, it's worth listening to the entire season from the beginning - after several misfires, Big Finish finally seem to have gotten the hang of creating a satisfying season-long arc which doesn't unduly dominate the stand-alone stories which it's comprised of.


    I quite liked the release format of this series, too - each story was made up of two 25-minute episodes (with a four-part season finale), which were released one episode at a time on Saturday evenings. A nice way for BF to take advantage of the gap year, and I was quite happy to subscribe.


    Glad you like it. I got the pic from Simon Holub's flickr page.



    (Shameful plug) Speaking of Big Finish, check out my reviews for the Bernice Summerfield audio series at www.doctorwhoreviews.co.uk

  5. There's a new interview at Comic Book Resources:

    “John Constantine is a blank canvas - he is unknowable, the original Mr Enigma,” Rankin remarked. “This gives writers a certain freedom. We can re-imagine him, find new corners of his psyche to explore, and discover a little more about him.


    “In 'Dark Entries,' I see him as being a gumshoe - a sort of Private Eye for hire.”

    Three pages of preview art, too.



    Despite my disagreement with what Rankin stated, I definetly give this story a shot.

  6. I just got back from seeing it........and I Fucking Love It!



    Aside from the minor changes, Snyder and Co. manage to pull it off. I also laughing at the morons at superherohype.com for their stupid comments. Based on what I read there, some of them never read the maxi-series nor do they intend to.


    Sad Bastards @ SHH-0/10

    WATCHMEN movie-8/10

  7. I'm reserving my judgement til we're all proven otherwise. Besides, I'm keeping my fingers crossed if the 11th Doctor costume could be similar to Richard E. Grant's alternative 9th Doctor (Scream of the Shalka sans hairstyle)

  8. What other of the BF audios would you recommend, Mark? (or anyone!)



    *and money - I downloaded most of them illegally at first, which I don't feel too bad about - there's a lot of crap which I'd have been annoyed to have paid money for - but since BF are a small company with fairly narrow profit margins, I've been pretty good about going back and paying for the good ones since they set up a pay-to-download service, and I'd urge anyone who's curious to do the same. The first 25 stories, which include a couple of my favourites (along with some real crap, so exercise care), are available at a discounted rate which makes them a lot more reasonably-priced.

    You're not the only one... and yet i'm still doing it via bit torrent sites

  9. After watching Journey's End, I felt sorry for both the Doctor and Donna. :sad:


    Considering what happened when some of his knowlegdge was killing her and with the memory-wipe,she's back to what she was before the events of

    The Runaway Bride and beyond. The reactions of Donna's mom and grandad almost got to me (emotional-wise).


    As for the Doctor, I didn't think he end up doing what the rest of the Time-Lords(War Games) did to Jamie and Zoe several regenrations ago. The diferences are also sad in some repects: Both Jaime and Zoe can only remember the first time they met him and Donna had to have her memory erased because of what might happen if anyone,especially her folks, tell everything.


    Speaking of the Second Doctor's companions, with all the Time-Lords(excluding the Doctor,the newly-deceased Master, and most likely The Rani) gone,could it be possible for their memories to be restored?

  10. Absolutely not. You are Wrong, and I am Right. Some day, perhaps, you shall come to see this more clearly. Until then, you labour alone, in darkness and sorrow.




    Also: he's not fucking 903 years old, you bastards! He must be going on 1,400 by now! GAH! STOP GETTING DOCTOR WHO WRONG!


    Much as I'd love to pretend otherwise, incidentally, the anger in the above sentence isn't entirely tongue-in-cheek. Many of the changes Davies has made to the show/character are things I'm heartily in favour of, and most of the others I can at least understand, but the youngening-down of the Doctor completely baffles me. What was the point?

    Ouch..... :D


    Speaking of the Doctor's age, I thought he might be either over 950 or 1000. Though he still doesn't remember his own age *cough* The Ribos Operation*cough*

  11. Errr...no. Just no.


    Actually, having just listened to the new theme arrangement again, I rather like it. Still a bit over-the-top - I like the fact that the original music was slightly sinister and otherworldly, rather than stirring and dramatic - but at least they've (sort of) restored the "diddle-dee-dum, diddle-dee-dum" beat to the bassline, in place of the "dum-dum-dum, dum-dum-dum" of the previous versions.

    Aw well. To each his own,yeah?

  12. Though I disagree about the new theme, I did hear some bits from the Peter Howell version in it. Better that,than Keff.


    I wasn't thinking about the new theme, rather the intrusive, overblown and usually FAR TOO FUCKING LOUD incidental music, which has bugged the hell out of me since the opening scenes of Rose, and continues to do so. Dunno what I think of the new theme arrangement yet - I've only heard it once - but since I'm not going to be entirely happy with that until they either go back to the Delia Derbyshire version or adopt the Orbital one, my opinions in this specific arena can presumably be safely ignored by all sane persons.


    Also, thanks to James for presenting my exact impressions of the episode in a calm and reasoned manner, so I don't have to.


    What about the Geoff Love version?


    Geoff Version

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