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Posts posted by kinki

  1. Somehow I've never had the urge to drink gin straight


    I've never had the urge, but always the necessity - especially when going through rough patches with boyfriends, then it's a quarter bottle at a time. Yak.


    I've never been able to tell the difference between a good vodka and a bad one (they all taste like nowt to me) - but then you could blind test me on a cheap plonk next to a vintage barolo and I still wouldnt be able to tell the difference!!

  2. Watched Rosemary's Baby again last night and it got me thinking. The rituals etc are very sinister but strangely appealing (I must be crazy to think this). I've always had a fringe interest in the occult (imagery/culture etc) but would never get really involved. I've often wondered what it must be like to get more involved though (self destructive impulses?)....


    Just wondered where people stood on this? Am I alone in my craziness!!LOL.

  3. (she comes in late and is the ONLY PERSON TO FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS !)


    What do you expect - we're Hellblazer fans! And when does John ever follow instructions? ;-)


    Ha ha!...i only follow instructions when it's in my interest and my interest only to do so!!


    Otherwise I tend to do the opposite to what the instructions say ;-)!!!

  4. Oh, I knew. You slur your "Qs".

    Drink your own bodyweight in VODKA (mixed with tonic and, CRUCIALLY interspersed with pints of water) - et voila; no hangover. Fucking awesome.


    See that requires a level of consideration that just doesn't happen for me where alcohol is involved.


    That is coz I am a control freak of the highest order...even when getting wasted is concerned.

  5. Oh, I knew. You slur your "Qs".


    Ha ha ha! That's witty.


    Well I've just come back from the Best Weekend In A Long Time (goth fest in Whitby North Yorkshire - some people might have heard of it? It rocks). Anyway - Here's my tip for hangover - free boozing.


    Drink your own bodyweight in VODKA (mixed with tonic and, CRUCIALLY interspersed with pints of water) - et voila; no hangover. Fucking awesome.

  6. the only people who can put up with my shite happen to be completely mentally unstable. Which means either I have to put up with abuse or live my life alone. One is probably far more horrible than the other, but it's up to the person to decide which, eh?



    This is my quandary (sp? cant be arsed to check) these days. I've nearly reached 40 and no bloke has come close to relating to and understanding my warped version of the world - only my best friend who's known me since the age of 11 and I dont fancy her. This depresses me only as far as it would be nice to share my fucked up world with someone. Beyond that I dont give a shite.


    So it's easier to be alone and weird than put up with endless normal-dom in a mediocre relationship just to fit in..


    (ignore me it's the wine talking)

  7. Actually, I elected not to hit the Jack Daniel's. The wine buzz was so plesant and mellow, and I figured whiskey would ruin it.


    At least wine isn't as bad as champagne. Talk about a mule kick to the head.


    The Jack Daniels effect is instant, hard, and dirrrrty. Oh yes.


    Wine caresses yer mind but the after effects are like a kick in the head.


    Champers (for me anyhow) gives the most fabulous all round loveliness in the drunk as fuck department (on the rare occasions I've been arseholed on it)


    I am slightly tipsy on 'Old Git' as I write - in training for imminent wine-soaked weekend.

  8. kinki, you're not as alone as you think you are. I was 29 when I had my GN revelation, and I've met quite a few readers (especially female readers) who were as old or older when they first discovered the medium.


    One of us! One of us! One of us!


    That's good to know - sometimes you dont half feel out of your depth surrounded by all these knowledgable blokes wot know everything about comic-book culture!!LOL.


    But then they've probably been reading em since they were like 2 or something.

  9. Finite. One print run and they're done.


    On the face of it this seems short sighted... *sulks*


    But then presumably they all get reprinted as 'trade' paperbacks, right?


    Incidentally (cant be arsed looking through forum - sorry!) what happens between #180 and #200ish? Are they grouped into one or more headings yet? Or is it better to look for them as single issues?

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