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St. Apathy

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Posts posted by St. Apathy

  1. Something seems to be amiss with Mass Effect.


    I got the trilogy pack for the PS3, and I am informed that the idea is that you can carry on events and decisions you made in Mass Effect 1 to Mass Effect 2, and so on.


    Problem is I can't. I've completed ME1, but the option to import an ME1 character doesn't show up when I install ME2 and start a new game.

  2. I'm up to level 23, or so. I've gone to the moon for that one mission there, but now that I've finished it, I seem to be stuck. I'm just driving around on the moon, with no means of getting back aboard Normandy.

  3. I've recently got Bioshock as a prelude for getting the ultimate edition of Bioshock Infinite when it comes, but not really feeling it.


    I also got Oblivion, which I'm having trouble getting into as I did with Skyrim.


    I also got a thing, but it probably wasn't good since I don't even remember what the thing is.


    So, GTAV. Buy, y/n? I didn't find 4 particularly enjoyable. I hear the new one harkens back to earlier installments and its a little more reminiscent of San Andreas, which I loved. Is that an accurate description?

  4. I've been on Tumblr a lot.


    The Wolverine was better than XMOW and XMTLS, which puts it at the top of the lower half of X-Men movies. It's stylisticly interesting, though the ending undoes a lot of that. I think there might be one male Japanese character in the entire movie who was a decent human being, with everyone else being a yakuza, ninja, or crooked, so there's a rather pungent whiff of mighty whitey.


    For a comic book movie about a singular male hero, though, there's a fair amount of female characters to receive a fair amount of screentime. It isn't perfect, but.... representation?

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