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St. Apathy

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Posts posted by St. Apathy

  1. So, I've moved from regretting the last ten years to intensely regretting the last two with a feeling of 'feh' about the eight before them.


    Also, I'm feeling a bit more upbeat about a career in IT? Weird.


    Also, I've started going to a shrink. I should have started going three years ago, but what can you do? Anyway, the shrink is kind of an inattentive shit, but he gave me drugs so I'll see how it goes.

    • Upvote 2
  2. What's going on, Kate?



    Nothing has been going on, which is the problem.


    I realized how unhappy I was with life three years ago, around the time I turned 25, but haven't managed to change anything, or even figure out how, or what to change it to. I spent years at uni studying something I didn't actually like, and years at a job I hated with people I don't get along with.


    I've stagnated as a human being. My social skills have dwindled, I've drifted away from pretty much all my friends, and haven't made any new ones. I turn 28 in November, and the last decade were supposed to be the best years of my life, and there isn't one moment of them that wasn't wasted.


    Anyone I talk to just tells me that everyone hates their job and should just accept it, tells me to pray more, or tells me to get married and have some kids.

  3. I got Watch Dog against my better judgement. After an adequate opening, I didn't quite figure out what to do. I don't really favor much driving so I abandoned it.


    I first heard about Destiny a couple of days ago, bought it today. Wish I'd heard about it sooner, so I would learn it was an online only game and not buy it. My fault, really.


    But when I went to play it, online and all, I first had to download a 25 MB patch. Not terrible, but after that I apparently have to download three bundles, the first of which is 170 MB, and it won't even download. Because fuck Asia and everyone who lives there.

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