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St. Apathy

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Posts posted by St. Apathy

  1. So,




    if it's a tie, the imp still must die? I thought the Mountain died too, after he crushed dear Oberyn's skull. There's a lesson there, kids - don't start showboating and goading your opponent until you're sure he's incapacitated. Just ask Thomas "Hitman" Hearns or Iron Mike Tyson (who never should have lost a fight in his whole career, at least until Lennox Lewis).


    And poor oul' stupid spying Ser Jorah, innit? That was crushing. I haven't read the books, but I'll bet on the show, if/when Danerys does attack Westeros, he'll be on the other side and fuck something for his side up because he loves her.


    And will we ever get a bloody Starck reunion? Crazy Aria laughing upon hearing of her aunt's demise cuz the Hound don't get no cash money, or will Little Finger pay him? Will gothic Sansa, now lady of the Aerie be glad to see her sister? She has turned dark overnight. And it seems she'll be Mrs. Little Finger, soon.


    I predict Jamie will force the end of the Tywin Lanister bloodline by attempting to save Tyrion from beheading, and being killed himself. I still haven't decided if I think Tyrion survives, but I don't think he does, because Dinklage was on Daily Show just prior to the start of season 4 and he was particularly subdued and I mentioned to the young lady who takes care of me that "I'll bet they killed him off."



    We'll see.



    And we haven't even gotten to episode 9, yet, when all the really big stuff has happened in the past.



    I would't call it a tie. I think the trial lasts until there is a clear looser, who is the one who dies, or at least, yields. The mountain manages to outlast Oberyn by a second, assuming he isn't just passed out and succumbing to mortal wounds, thus branding him the winner


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  2. It looks like it might be a bit trashy, if I'm honest. Young Catwoman feels a bit lame as a concept, and the lack of mustache and glasses is asininely concerning. but I loved Gotham Central, so will certainly give this a look.


    Who's John Doman supposed to be, I wonder.

  3. So the new-great-movie-tingles have worn off and I've begun to see the cracks.


    So far its one crack, really, and it is that Natasha didn't seem to have thought or be able to filter out her own past, so she must have not filtered out anything. Literally everything SHIELD had is in the open, including the identities of people the good side of SHIELD was trying to protect, and the identities of people currently embedded in various groups of bad people.

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