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Posts posted by Jon

  1. hll yeah.I love imperfection and chaos in a drawing.


    Whenever i start a new project i begin with neat lines, but i always come to a point when i start getting bothered by the neatness, so i start adding thing to mess it up(in a good way), and i guess thats where my drawing style is heading right now.

  2. I don't know if this has been done before, but what the feck, just state your real name if you don't mind...



    get used to this kind of thing if you are going to be visiting this forum android


    By the way, while living in prague i hada secret affair with a Baroness Silas Greenback....i called her.She never answered

  3. well,it depends.Between guys it usually takes place qhen you know the person,if not you shake hands.

    But its a classic when introduced to a guy one of the participants tends to try the kiss while the other extends the hand, ending in an akward situation

  4. ok,this is my department.

    Here in Argentina its the most common thing to kiss in the cheek as salutation.It has been like this forever.

    You dont have to know the person to do this,when they first introduce you to someone you also do it.


    And yes,i never really gave it a lot of thought, but it is a cool practice. No wonder laitn americans are considered to be more "passional" than other cultures.



    By the way,ask her what part of buenos aires she is from.I am also from buenos aires

  5. I know both Spike and Brad, but the pic looks nowhere like them

    However, I like it just the same ....


    The Batman sketch is nice



    THanxs gen.


    I didnt mean that they looked like them phisically. What i meant is that his personality and what he does is similar to those characters.



    By the way, nice to see you back

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