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Posts posted by Jon

  1. well,i bought my PS2 yesterday (now i owe my dad a shit load of money) and since the store didnt have a very rich game catalog here are the games i got:


    GTA San andreas: the thing that pisses me of is that my copy doesnt show all of the screen,theres a bit missing in the bottom,but maybe i have to play with the screen config a bit


    Final fantasy X-2: Fucking wankers didnt have the regular final fantasy X, but i got the sequel anyway.I am not playing it till i get FFX.


    Winning eleven 10 (with the most hilarious spanish translation you have ever heard): This one´s for my friends who love this game


    And since i waS so pissed i couldnt get FFX, i went to another shop to buy it, but they where out of stock so i ended up getting FF VII: Dirge of cerberus: This one is fucking awesome, i am loving it.



    Today at lunch i will tru to get a hold on a copy OF ffx

  2. I made them up.But i made them up as i was drawing this.The girl reminded me of monica from battle chasers and that reminded me of pirates....free association i guess.That and the fact that i have always wanted to do a pirate related comic.

  3. First X-men related sketch i have done in years.Ok,i really like the way cyclops came out.Those in the back are supossed to be jean and emma but they dont look like them at all, but its the first time i ever try to draw them,SO BACK OFF!!!



  4. yeah,the voodo guy is kind of scary.As for john, its the same sketch but i finished it.I liked the finished one best, but i liked the way the aura looked in the old one better.


    I opened a deviantart account a few days ago but i havent had the time to upload any of my work yet


    By the way,nice to see you back Gen!

  5. well erue,two things:


    1) Its really important that you look at profesional artists work and try to understad why they do things the way they do,not copy their style, but getting influenced by the YES.When i first started i drew like akira toriyama, then i had my jim lee phase,then i drew like joe madureira and finally i realized i had a "style" of my own that gathered things from a lot of artists i liked.

    Its also important,at least i think its important, that you not only look at comic artists but also graphic designers and art directors,painters,etc. I get a lot of influence from graphic designers and shit cause i work in advertising and there are some amazing people out there.


    2) I didnt get an art thread because i am an amazing artist.I got one because i was infecting the "down the local" section with threads with my drawings so john "dont call me boss" Mcmahon got tired and threw all my shit into one place :D

  6. Perfect art amazes me, but in the same way it bores me too :)


    I rather look at pictures that have some flaws than ones that don't. They're easier to remember and help to focus on my own mistakes. In a way they're more inspiring too.


    I agree.I am amazed by people like alex ross, but even if I could draw the way he does i would get bothered.I like to experiment with chaos and imperfection in my art

  7. yeah i know the perspective came out a bit weird....actually it doesnt make a lot of sense (perspective-theory talking), but upon looking at it for a while when i finished the piece i think it is really interesting,actually, mainly because its not perfect

  8. I cant say i dont, but i also cant say i do. I cant say he doesnt exist, but i also cant say he does. I just dont care, if he does exist its not going to change the way i live my life in any way.


    Now,if you want to talk about organized religion thats another issue.............

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