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Posts posted by slinker

  1. my point had nothing to do with XP other than as an exqmple of the OS on the type of a machine that is prime for a fringe sleek OS install.


    but yeah, i9 find Linux to be very intriguing. If I fuck up my old laptop, it's not like I'm out anything really. i do have nothing but time on my hands. perhaps linux is my new joie de vivre!

  2. I wish I knew enough about Linux to maintain a Linux machine. Old PCs are great for running Linux (from what I've read) because Linux has no superfluous/security code (since it's open source) so it uses very little resources which is perfect for a machine that can run XP fine but has problems with 7,8 or 10. All the programs are free. Someone told me the Linux version of Photoshop is almost as good as the real McCoy. But if something went wrong, I'd have no idea what to do except spend hours online futilely searching for almost anything random for my specific problem which I have no idea what it is.but it sounds so gangster/hacker!

  3. Entourage ugh! F


    Train Wreck was not as hilarious as i've heard described. Some parts were funny as hell but it has a few long dead spots too. I hate when comedies become melodramatic like this one does toward the end. I'm paying you to make me laugh, not sit quietly during expository! B

  4. I watched Angel Heart recently. I thought it held up rather well.


    Pixels - Ugh. A nice opening video arcade nostalgia piece that gets ruined by an insipid plot. D


    Ant Man did not thrill me like it did so many others. It was a very fun movie, don't get me wrong. And I loved the bit with [ Spoiler : Thomas the train ] at the end. But it doesn't compare to either of the Avengers movies or the Cap movies or the Dark Knight which remains my favorite comic movie of all time. B


    Terminator: Genesys sucked sucky suck. F

  5. True Detective still hasn't clicked with me in season 2. I'll keep watching it because it's parts are still interesting even though the sum of those parts don't do much for me.


    But shows I do like


    Penny Dreadful just wrapped up season 2 - the stuff with Frankenstein's monsters was very nicely done. Still not sure what I thought about the finale. I'm going to watch it again.


    Mr Robot - taking down the illuminati


    The Brink - Tim Robbins and Jack Black try to save the world from nuclear annihilation.


    Tyrant has picked up where it left off nicely.


    Wayward Pines big reveal was fucked up and turned a hohum made for TV noir mini into a mindbending sci-fi thriller.


    Childrens Hospital is stupid funny.


    Another Period is also stupid funny.


    Amy Schumers 3rd and best season ended. She is the funniest woman in showbiz.

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