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Posts posted by slinker

  1. Minions - cute, exactly what you expect, though lots of death for a kids' movie. B-


    Inside Out - I think Pixar culls their scripts by mining counseling sessions of very depressed people who miss their childhood. Pixar is at its best when they portray all the cute kid stuff that we lose--not just that we outgrow our childhood, but that there are certain aspects of childhood that we lose for whayever reason and that's where they excel at pulling emotional strings. It's starting to seem sort of manipulative, but no one does it better than Pixar. I think this movie will go down as an underrated part of the Pixar tome, but it measures well with Up, Toy Story 3, Monsters Inc, and the rest. A


    Spy - Melissa McBride does her thing she always does, but this time, she's a badass wisecracking spy. It pays her bills, but she's starting to seem sort of one dimensional. I don't want her to do the Bill Murray trip and start making serious movies all of a sudden, but homegirl need to stretch out some more. C+


    Poltergeist - someone please tell me what could possibly be the least bit compelling about remaking a famous monster movie by doing it exactly like the original but with updated onscreen tech? There's an ever so slight twist at the end but not enough to make me feel like its a unique remake instead of the straight knockoff it was. I mentioned the slight twist, the only other differences are the characters' names and the little dwarf lady is now an Irish reality show host. there's one other difference that's really the best part of the movie but i won't spoil it. It wasn't cool enough to save it. C-


    Jurassic World - same movie as the previous ones but with a bigger GMO dinosaur. Kids will flock to anything with dinosaurs in it because it certainly doesn't deserve the biggest box office ever (which it got thanks to $20 ticket prices, not because it was a good movie). C


    Tomorrowland - so hokie it oozes sugar paste. But better than Jurassic World (not by much) C+


    The Walking Deceased - a parody of every single zombie media release over the past 20 or so yrs: Walking Dead, Zombieland, Dawn of the Dead (the remake), that stupid romcom with the zombie who falls for a living girl, 28 Days Later, and the rest. It was hastily made, poorly written and overused the same jokes to the point of "really?" C-

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