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Posts posted by goblin

  1. I'm actually surprised at your responses. :D I'm happy you like it.


    Red – He should give you the creeps. That’s because…


    Gen – …he is supposed to be detached from the one he’s embracing. As physically close as possible but never more far away. There is an inhuman quality to his eyes. I left it like that…colorless…I liked it. Leaving something out can add something else. Also, if you cover one side of his face, the image is that of an innocent boy (if I was successful). Cover that side and the expression is older, less innocent, darker...that of a scoundrel.


    I’m glad it isn’t the waist that’s creepy. And that it is the man instead.


    I like this effect. Adds a quality to the work that it doesn’t deserve.


    Jason – Thanks for the tip. I’m much less adept at certain technologies than I should be.


    Hagren – Your interest in my work…is it because yours is similar? I only ask because I honestly can’t imagine my work as being the slightest bit interesting to anyone not in the engineering field. To view more on my work, take a look at the Rants thread.


    If you want specifics...well...I work for the City and County of Honolulu. Specifically in the Long Range Planning section. Over time I somehow ended up heading all hydraulic modeling. What’s a hydraulic model? (brace yourself) Design engineers give me their plans and I input them into a program that allows us to view the theoretical impact that changes to the water system will have on the infrastructure throughout the state. (Excited yet?) It’s a vastly complicated network and a big headache but the model makes it much easier. However, it can’t all be left to computer (unfortunately). Water does not behave like other materials and has it’s own set of physical laws that aren’t entirely intuitive. I have to analyze the results and present a summary to the design engineer and chief engineer. A model is the only thing that allows them to view results of their designs. Hence it is important. And furthermore, every design produced by our division goes through me.


    It is not without it’s rewards. Each contract is worth hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars. The mistakes I find and the resulting alterations have saved the state of Hawaii millions of dollars. It’s a lot of pressure…on everyone. During my results presentations engineers squirm in their seats waiting upon my analysis to see if their designs worked. If so, a huge sigh of relief. If not, countless more hours of work and correction. Whole designs may end up as scratch paper to be used to scribble notes on and take phone messages. I’m loved and hated...depending on the results.


    Riveting, yes? :lol: :tongue:

  2. "Snakes on a Plane, Yall! Aint nothin’ bettah than Snakes on a Plane. In fact, the only way they can make it BETTAH is if they made aNOTHAH movie and called it...Mo’ Snakes On Mo’ Motherfuckin Planes!’"


    Samuel L. Jackson, 2006 MTV Movie Awards.




    We know it's gonna be stupid. I'm just going along for the ride. :D

  3. Okay :)


    Work's piled up so high I had to bring in my personal laptop so I could use an extra computer. One of my coworkers did the same. On the office computer, a hydraulic model running 3 simulations. Results had to be in by 3 with a summary due to the chief engineer. On my laptop, a PowerPoint presentation on how to do hydraulic models. I gave the presentation. I don't remember most of what I said. I just remember my mouth being really dry at the end. Bosses were very appreciative though...genuinely appreciative. I got a big pat on the back. Yay me.


    I just got home from work a few minutes ago. It's almost 10pm. I need to be up at 4:30 to do this all over again.


    Thanks Gen. Counting down. :happy:

  4. Gen - Still counting down. 2 more days.




    So I'll post an oldie for you.


    It’s a pencil sketch that I did months ago but looks like I used a different medium. A friend tells me it looks like an old drawing from a renaissance notebook she saw in Borders. I'm not so sure about that. The effect is totally by accident and is due to not knowing how to convert a bitmap to a jpeg. It automatically scanned as a bitmap and opened in MS Paint. But it was far too light (I hadn’t yet figured out how to adjust contrast and such on my scanner. It was new to me back then). So to adjust the brightness and contrast I copied and pasted the image to MS Word and used the image menu options. The result is this brownish hue and a bit of pixilation. I liked it then. And I was going to do a lot of other sketches and recreate the effect and name the collection "ghetto renaissance" as a joke...I never did.


    There is a part of my mind that causes my eyes to see what it wants. So I didn't see then that I made the woman's waist rediculously small. I see it now. Proportions aren't what they should be. Also...unfinished hands.


    Good night.

  5. I'm checking. I'm exhausted. Tired in a way that's beyond being sleepy.


    Gen, shall I fly to Manilla and get tomorrow over with now? There it is already afternoon, yes? So there, I've already gone to work and the day is almost over and I can look forward to Friday.


    Almost done. 2 more days. I'd smile if my face would let me. I am happy though.

  6. You say your stuff’s not from your imagination. Are you copying then? Because I don’t think people realize how much skill it takes even to imitate? It’s how I learned everything I know. What do you think portraits are but an imitation of what the artist sees? They can be beautiful too.


    I can do a lot with a sketch but I’m nothing compared to FireGriffin’s textured colored pencil art. Jon has more experience and courage inking his work than I have. Thekeets does things with Paint that would frustrate me to no end. Then we have Meaner who does things with a photograph that I’ve never seen before and ACXhan who makes costumes.


    There’s room for everyone here, right?


    You've got skill. Just wanted to let you know I thought so. And that I like it. 8-)

  7. Red – That panel was a lot of fun to do and stems from discussions Trace and I had a while back in our old forum. He deserves partial credit for the humor. I’m actually working on another one but I don’t think I have enough to make a full page. I have a few visual quips about comic book heroes. Just me being a smart-ass, really.


    Gen – I’m particularly proud of the last panel of Spidey. Only because it was the most difficult perspective shot. But it ended up being the most rewarding for me. I’m glad you like it.


    And the suit…mind if I rant a bit?…the webbing on the suit. The problem it posed for me is that I couldn’t just draw the lines and be done with it. They have to actually contour the body and act as a grid of the parts of the body that you don’t see drawn in. I can do it much more easily with shading (as you suggest Gen with the black alien costume) but the lines are much more difficult. And imagine doing it for every frame. And that’s just the vertical lines. To complete the webbing you have the curved ones that also need to be even and contour and curved at the same time. Sure it’s beeaaautiful if you pull it off. But it was just too late at night for me to be doing that. You can see where I messed up, reduced them to near scribbles, and in some places just left it out completely. Maybe I just think about it too much. Okay…rant over. :D


    Mark – Thank you. Interesting you should mention the face. I actually don’t like it and it’s not Peter at all. Especially in the second frame. I changed it over and over and at one point it looked like Ryan Phillipe. But eventually I gave up. I need a better reference. I just couldn’t visualize it and I don’t have a lot of Spidey comics. But that’s not an excuse…I’m going to change it and perhaps repost.


    Jason – I find the overly done proportions and excessive muscle display of many comic artists to be quite distasteful and silly, don’t you? More realistic proportions are more my taste. I like how you describe it (body builder with his skin peeled off). :lol:


    I fully intend to finish these. I’m really having fun.


    Thanks for all the comments and critiques.


    No drawing tonight. I'm exhausted.


    Gen - I'm remembering the countdown. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, then... :D

  8. Hey Charlie, I know you started this thread over a year ago but when you say "work out" do you mean just punching the bag or Kendo workouts too?


    Cause I have a hard time doing katas to music. Gets me up and ready to fight too but I eventually succumb to the music. Can't help but do each step on beat, bob to the rhythm, and shake my hips. Not good for form. :)


    Oh...like Sethos, I like to listen to music when drawing. Paul Oakenfold, ATB...that kind of music does wonders for the creativity.

  9. Gen - Calamansi is great. I like it too.


    Other than that I'm a carbonation fiend. I love sodas too much.


    Dr. Pepper is a favorite.


    I also liked Squirt a lot. It's a citrus drink that isn't sold in Hawaii anymore. I don't know why.




    Ginger Ale

  10. Thank you, Jason. Valuable words from an artist who’s been there. I really appreciate your insights and take it to heart. It means a lot.


    And as GenGris suggests, care to give it a try again?....Just for fun?



    2 pages of panels next. I’m hooked on panel art now. They’re rough and unfinished though. Sorry the images aren't sharper. Scanner issues...it saves as a bitmap and then I have to convert it to jpg. I'll try and fix it later...it's really late now and I'm tired.


    Baby cousin is over and is glued to the TV. He loves playing the Ultimate Spiderman game for PS2. Basically you get to choose between Spiderman and Venom and roam New York. It served as tonight’s inspiration.


    With Spiderman you have to go around saving people.


    But it’s so much more fun being Venom.


    P.S. – drawing Spiderman’s costume is a PAIN IN THE ASS!!!

  11. Care to elaborate?


    When I say I want to have it be a part of my life, I simply mean I want to grow artistically and not ignore my abilities any more. Such a pursuit is way in the back of my mind. Maybe even a dream. I have a lot on my plate as it is. But there’s always that danger when making money with the thing you love right? Thanks Jason. I’ll keep that in mind.


    For now…I’m happy doing things like posting here. :D

  12. Yes, the hands are always a problem for me. It's one of the most difficult parts of the body to draw. It was also difficult to reference my own hands at that angle.


    Hah...and now the thought occurs to me to use a mirror. Stupid me.


    Oh...I used compadre as a word for friend. In Hawaiian, the word for friend is "hoaloha." I seem to remember that Trace understands "mahalo nui loa" to be "thank you very much." But I wasn't sure if he would understand the Hawaiian word for friend. And since Jon introduced a different language to the thread, I thought I'd mix it up as well.


    In highschool my path was chosen rather early. I was an overachiever and to be honest, things in my life were a bit hectic and confused at the time. I think I gravitated toward the more structured subjects of mathematics and science as a way to compensate. Perhaps overcompensate. For years after highschool I didn't draw anything.


    The recent decision to make a drastic move got me thinking of what I really want in life. I'm not sure what that is exactly...but I know this is definitely a part of it.

  13. Fredi - Salad fingers creeps me out a bit. But at the same time it’s pretty funny. Strange imagery to carry to be though.


    Gen – Home sick? Hope you get well soon. It’s Monday morning for you, yes? Here, the clock has just struck 8.


    Not looking forward to work tomorrow. Down side: I’ll be working my ass off and earning that last paycheck and more. Plus side: Last week at the office.


    Part of me actually anticipates missing the place. Guess it’s not all bad. I’m a bit nervous about the change.


    I’m fighting sleep. I shouldn’t because I’ll regret it tomorrow. But sleeping now would mean committing myself to the morning. And that’s a commitment I’m not ready to make just yet.


    So now I stroll the boards.

  14. I am female and I have a picture, but it isn't that funny.



    Will probably need to be moved to it’s own thread but…


    “Agents, this is Coralys. She is currently under cover as a bowling instructor in Canada but is secretly a highly skilled Marxman (marksman) in support of Guevara. Approach with caution and do not confront directly.”




    “Having fallen short in support, Guevara’s guerilla squads have resorted to a less conventional form of target practice. Morale among guerilla forces…isn’t good.”


    This is a tough one. I had to Wikipedia this dude.

  15. They all hurt my eyes. Though some, I swear, are designed to induce an epileptic seizure in the viewer.


    I'm trying to determine if the Bush one is actually a joke. If not...that's frightening. Moreso that he has friends. There are 36 other people who like this guy...that's too many. If it is a joke...I don't get it.

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