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Posts posted by goblin

  1. Why, thank you, Fire Griffin.


    And I really appreciate the tip. Everyone here is really inspiring and this board is booming with talent. I draw in 0.3mm lead so I think those pens will come in handy. I've jotted down the name and I’ll look out for them.


    hagren – Engineering is a great profession. But the work itself doesn’t involve much real creativity. Mathematics and physics are your guides and then there are standards and handbooks to consult. I suppose that I neglected to note how much I needed a creative outlet.


    And I’m no expert on trenches. You rarely see them in Hawaii. I referred to an old comic to draw it. I’ll try to get it right next time. ;)

  2. "Shit-kickers" Hah! I've never heard that one before. :D


    Here's mine. But if I kicked shit in them, it'd get all over my toes.



    Beach and dojo activities are all done barefoot so I haven't much need for shoes unless at the office. But I think I might have to retire them. I hear that if I wear them in Nevada, the sun will sear the skin on my toes. :sad:

  3. Keeyah - You have a pet ferret? That is so cool! Is that an albino or is it normal for them to be white? I've never seen one like that.


    Spidey might have the best pets but I notice Goblin has a dog which is pretty much your namesake. :D


    Oh, he's all love. Well...for me at least. He's fiercely protective. Gonna miss him a lot.


    Caleb gone wild looks like a lot of fun. :D

  4. Fredi, that email is quite disturbing indeed.


    I have a problem with my gmail. I'm able to delete emails, spam or otherwise, and block the sender forever. Problem is I keep getting the same email from different senders for cheap watches. The senders' names are all Russian.






    I put in my 2 weeks notice at work today. Oh happy happy day. Boss was a bit shocked (loved it). Then gave me the speech of how he's happy for me but crying inside. Ugh, but this means they're going to work me to the freakin bone till I leave. But that's okay...what's 2 weeks after all this time? But now I also have to pack.

  5. Thanks everyone. I like this section of STH. I'm in the company of some talented people.


    Not sure how to quote more than 1 person in a single post so...


    Sethos - With regards to the pose. First, she was going to be standing with her whip. If you look closely you can see where I intended her left leg to be. But among the chaotic lines I employed when drawing the whip, I discovered a more provocative leg placement. I really wanted her leg up on something. The task then became finding an excuse for her leg to be propped up. That took about half an hour of thinking and imagination and a playing of ‘Careless Whisper’…the saxophone did it. Music does wonders for the imagination. It’s also where the costume change comes in. With her traditional head-to-toe garb, there’s no reason for her to be pulling up her boot…and I wanted the boot. And there you have it.


    Fredi - Thank you. I always start with the face. If it isn’t right, the beauty of the figure is lost no matter how well the rest of the body is done. Shading presents it’s own challenges but also comes in handy. The more shadows I incorporate, the more I’m free from drawing in the details. I’m glad you like it. :lol:


    James - Never inked sketches as complicated as these. Pens make me nervous. I haven’t found the right one. Is there anyone who knows what type of ink to use that won’t bleed? What types of pens are best? Any brand I should look for? I’d welcome any tips on inking technique.


    Jon - Ah…well, Jim Lee is a childhood hero. I particularly like his early Uncanny X-men work before the second X-Men title that featured it. He’s a definite influence along with many other artists.


    hagren - Am I an artist? I wish. I'm an engineer.


    Trace - Well, I finished Catwoman before I started John and the headstones were a last minute touch. I couldn’t resist using your names after remembering one of your signatures: R.I.P. Nightpunch. I hope you don’t mind. Consider it an expression of appreciation to the one who brought me here. It's so much better than where we came from. But believe me, if Zenith had posted a single picture, I’d have done great and terrible things with his likeness…something involving Cyclops to be sure…


    ...and maybe a donkey. :lol:

  6. ...where “g” stands for goblin, of course. I’ll post sketches in this spot, as seems proper. I’m having trouble adjusting the settings on my scanner. For all my technical nerdiness, I can’t get it to make them smaller so I’ve opted to link them.


    John Constantine…best to open with the star of the forum. And I concur with Kinki, trenches are tough.


    Catwoman…I hope you don’t think me too forward, Pooka, but this was inspired by you…well, one of your avatars. I did take a bit of artistic license with the costume though.

  7. I need more Goblin sketches.


    And you’ll have them, Fredi. Though it’s more likely that I’ll post in the Show Your Wares thread along with all the other talented folks here…unless it has something to do with what’s going on with me. I posted the last one here for Incs since I drew it in response to his posts in the Short People thread. It was fun.


    A friend sent me a song: “Let Go” by Frou Frou from the Garden State soundtrack. I never saw the movie but I find the track addicting and relaxing. Listening to music is also artistically inspiring.


    Same friend also told me to download Google Earth. You can view satellite photos of almost the entire planet by typing in the location. I say “almost” because the place where I live is not shown in any detail. I’m a bit perturbed by that. The detail is such that you can view cars in parking lots and I would have liked to show you where I live.


    That was last night.


    Today, I spent the day at the beach and swam out to the buoys. It wasn’t until I was on my way back that I realized there were jellyfish in the water. I got stung on my torso. Nothing serious, neither is it uncommon. It’s not nearly as dramatic as I’ve seen it portrayed on TV. But it is slightly irritating and I’ll forego putting on a shirt till tomorrow. I should pay attention to signs...stupid me.


    Cousin leaves tonight, and with her goes the laptop. It’s been fun posting here.


    Aloha kakou (bye all)

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