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Tony B.

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Posts posted by Tony B.


    The part where Supes saves the Daily Planet ("Hundreds of years from now, someone will write a different version of today, where Lois and I fall in love") and the last four pages.


    Those parts.

  2. I don't know who the anti-christ will be, but I see that hollywood-the-impoverished is making a remake of the Omen.




    Fuck, anyone would think that no-one was writing books that would make good, new, interesting films.



    My friend had a good joke: "I bet they've had that Omen remake done for like two years and they are just waiting until 6/6/06 to release it."


    It just makes me miss Gregory Peck. :icon_cry:

  3. Does anyone else listen to or enjoy Sarah McLachlan*? Or, am I alone in my McLachlan love?


    *No, not her new, uninspired stuff. The albums from the 1990s.



    I did like her when I was a sad, fat, lonely 13-year-old. And my baby-mama got our daughter's name from a McLachlan song.

  4. I actually really enjoyed it, i prefered it to the other 2 as well, it was alot more like the x-men comic book but still like the film....


    The film version was still like the film. Congradulations, Mick, you've made your unintentional hilarious mistake for the month.

  5. Yea, they really are one the most original sounding and over all good bands in alternative rock these days.



    Yeah he doesn't sing like Geddy Lee at all :tongue: .


    Supposedly, their albums are all part of sci-fi concept that is also a comic book of theirs, but I can never find it (the book, that is)


    I saw them a few years ago. That guy's hair is huge-er in real life.

  6. It's all so confusing.....


    All the posts are now marked NEW, so I have no idea where anyone has made new posts.



    Yeah that messed me up, too. Just look to the right where it says "Last Action: May 20whatever" and it helps.

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