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Tony B.

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Posts posted by Tony B.

  1. I got paid to watch it last night at my theatre. My boss had asked me to work that night, dressed up as Wolverine (on account of my sideburns, (lack of) height, and general badass-ed-ness) so that was fun. Really tight pants, flannel, and my old leather jacket ended up looking quite good on me (although I'm not as handsome as Hugh Jackman, but really, who is?) Aaaanyway after I took the drunken mob's tickets (we had about 350 people for two 200-seat auditoriums) I took my seat in the busiest one and got paid to watch this ok movie.


    The good: I really liked Vinnie Jones. Even the reference to the "I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch" scene was pretty funny.


    There were several scenes of Wolverine simply fucking people up, which is a welcome change for someone like me who is used to the older comics or the cartoons where he never hits anyone with his claws.


    Any scene with Jean as the Dark Phoenix. Simply amazing and terrifying.


    Iceman finally getting fully iced-up.


    Kitty Pride. Ok maybe I just thought she was hot. I'm weird like that. Seriously though, it was kind of sad that she was one of the last six.


    Storm actually doing Storm-type stuff and kicking ass all-around.


    The teaser ending (both of them, actually).


    Bill Duke. He was in Predator. So seeing him again after 20 years made me happy. It had nothing to do with his role or his acting. (Now everyone ceases to read my observations and shakes their heads in dismay.)


    I actually really liked Cyclops this time around. Pity he got blowed up so soon.


    On that note, we go to the Bad Stuff


    The Bad: A lot of the acting. Warren Worthington II. Warren Worthington III. Halle Berry was slightly better than the last few movies, maybe because she lost that wtf accent. The president.


    Pyro. Damn that guy's a weiner.


    There were so many sub-story lines that each one only got a few minutes (or even seconds) of screen time.


    Kelsey Grammer.


    Lack of content.


    A lot of fundamental stuff that I'm guessing Brett Ratner just missed or downright sucks at doing.


    And everything else about this movie. I'm sure I'll think of more stuff when the discussion begins, but that's it for now. Bring on Superman.

  2. I loved the original Star Wars (I'm not having this revisionist "A New Hope, Chapter Four" bollocks because this is precisely what's wrong with the nonsense Lucas has been pulling since the late '80s in a nutshell) and this is another film that should be on the DVD as extra, but isn't, because some narcissistic twit who hasn't done anything worth a shit in twenty odd years is trying to rewrite history.



    Just get the widescreen laserdisc rips of the O.G. trilogy that are floating around on the internet. Delicious.

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