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Tony B.

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Posts posted by Tony B.

  1. Yeah it's amazing that Tom DeLonge's guitar parts have gotten simpler and worse.  AND he still can't properly ennunciate anything.  He only has like three vowel sounds that he uses over and over again.  That poofy [over-used word].


    Some how i kew you would be synical! Perhaps if he screamed it for you.


    By the way have i made the grammer mistake yet.



    Perhaps I could have an answer for this sentence if it had a QUESTION MARK at the end of it.

  2. Fuck I forgot what a fucking full house for a popcorn movie like The Da Vinci Code would be like to fucking clear up afterwards.


    Fucking tubs of melted ice cream, bloody M&Ms ground into the carpet under people's feet, empty beer cans and plastic 'wine glasses' and of cause a ton of fucking popcorn.


    It's not like we don't have fucking bins for people to drop their shit into on their way out. What would be a fucking five second job for individual customers to pick up after themselves and drop their rubbish in the bin becomes a fucking half hour job for me and my colleagues.


    [over-used word]ing bloody fucks.


    I've worked at cinemas for over 2 years now. I can commiserate wholeheartedly.

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