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Tony B.

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Posts posted by Tony B.

  1. Yesterday my two best friends





    and Grant:




    and I went up to this restaraunt that has a hamburger eating challenge thingy. It used to be a hamburger with 10 quarter-pound patties, and if you ate it in 50 minutes you'd get it for free; and if you ate it all plus one more patty you'd get it named after you and get your picture on the wall. By now, it's up to 15 patties.

    So my friends and I went in oozing with confidence (it seemed easy enough) but when I got to about the 11th patty I hit a wall. Chris kept on chugging and eventually got all 15 patties down before time was up; while Grant and I each had 11.5. I blame it on Chris being 6'4", and Grant and I both being around 5'7". Still, it was a good day, and I don't want to look at another hamburger for at least a week.

  2. FAVORITE not BEST so don't get all mad at me.



    1910's: Birth of a MF-ing Nation/Dr. Calgari

    1920's: Nosferatu/Zorro

    1930's: All Quiet on the Western Front/Duck Soup

    1940's: Citizen Kane/......Grapes of Wrath

    1950's: 12 Angry Men/High Noon

    1960's: 2001/The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

    1970's: Godfather Part II/Rocky



    Ok and for the '80s (my favorite): Aliens/Empire Strikes Back/Ghostbusters/Blues Brothers/Road Warrior(Mad Max 2)/Wrath of Khan/Predator/Die Hard/Conan/Escape from New York/Airplane/Evil Dead 2/Full Metal Jacket/Raiders of the Lost Ark/The Princess Bride/Labyrinth/The Naked Gun/Dozens more that I can't think of right now.


    1990's: Braveheart/Big Lebowski/Reservoir Dogs

    2000's (so far): Fellowship of the Ring Extended Version/Batman Begins

  3. The only parts I edited were your names at the top. I actually got the picture from the Gay or Lesbian Comic Book Character thread. Sorry.

  4. who exactly are all those guys that john calls for help in staring at the wall, of course i recognize clarice and map...but what about the rest,nathan arcane,etc.I dont recall them from any previous arcs.


    Nathan Arcane is the son of Anton Arcane, the big ol' baddy from Swamp Thing.

  5. I used to write exclusively in cursive. I even did crosswords in cursive (don't ask me how) but now it's too illegible for even me to read. Now I write illegible, all-caps chicken scratches instead.

  6. Is Tim Hunter dead? We could only wish!


    Ha ha, I was going to say that, but I'm not sure how folks 'round these parts feel about BOM.


    And that poor BOM movie that's in the works will be pooped on as a Harry Potter knockoff, unfortunately.

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