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Tony B.

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Posts posted by Tony B.

  1. I would just like to personally thank this forum and it's members. I really do love being a part of this. I like it so much in fact that the other day when I was up at school, I got a parking ticket because I decided to check the boards after I finished my schoolwork. And I didn't really care. You guys kick ass.




  2. Btw, isnt that the Andromeda?  with the Herc guy (whose real name

    escapes me now)?  And the theme was Andromeda Invictus?



    Yeah it is. Kevin Sorbo is the guy's name. It wasn't Star Trek, but was concieved/created by Gene Roddenberry.

  3. Some of the art was a little, uh, less than spectacular.  At times it seems that Manco has trouble/can't be arsed to draw people at a distance, and just gives them completely featureless faces (a la The Question).  Still, he's one of my favorite HB artists, so I'll cut him some slack.





    I don't know, I'm kinda getting tired of the pastel-crayon look.

  4. Shia TheBeef did the best Chaz...errr I mean...


    Ennis had Chas do more than say "Knock it off John, me wife's gonna kill me if I get mixed up with you again" every other issue.


    Later incarnations of Chas (especially Carey's) would be incomplete without Ennis' work.

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