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Tony B.

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Posts posted by Tony B.

  1. I'm not reading the current Vertigo title (sorry Jock) but I think that there could be more Swamp Thing in the future. Maybe not a monthly series, but perhaps some miniseries or something of the like.

  2. A long time ago, someone sold their complete Hellblazer collection to my local comic shop. By the time I finally got into reading it, the people at the shop had them grouped into neat little discount packs of story arcs (i.e. Critical Mass for around $8). So Tony had a good time after that. 8-)

  3. I have trouble believing it as well. It can't possibly be as bad as the last time around. I really used to like the Jackal, but he and that clone bullshit nearly killed Marvel.

  4. I was wondering if anyone could suggest anything similar to/on par with the stories in The DC Universe Stories of Alan Moore ....





    It may not be a different one, there is a recent reprint of the DC stories of Alan Moore, which includes 'Whatever happened to the man of tomorrow?' and The 'Killing Joke', its been out a few months.




    That's the one I was referring to in my original post. The new one.

  5. Alan Moore's Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow.


    You do read Planetary, don't you?





    Yeah the Superman one was in the collected Moore DC stories. Best Superman story I've ever read.



    I don't read Planetary. I suck. I'll get on that.



    Nexus looks quite good.

  6. I was wondering if anyone could suggest anything similar to/on par with the stories in The DC Universe Stories of Alan Moore that have to do with Green Lantern Corp., Vega, Abin Sur, or any other type of Science Fiction of that sort. I love SciFi in general, I usually can't stand the Green Lantern Corp., but I love love loved these Alan Moore stories.


    Anything would be greatly appreciated.

  7. Those Punishers is good.




    I've been trying to buy all the individual issues from the Essential Punisher. So far I've got Amazing Spiderman #129, the Daredevil ones, and Vol. 1 #1-5.

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