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Tony B.

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Posts posted by Tony B.

  1. Yes color is good for Dillon. He doesn't always use it though. There is one instance in Preacher when I thought this new character was just Tulip with an eyepatch for about three issues because they had the same hair color/style.

  2. The Punisher, is an excellant charcter in the Marvel U.

    His very existence, is a Superhero measuring stick.

    How far is too far, well Marvel has the perfect example.

    The Punisher is the mirror, that Marvel Superheroes have to look in.





    You sir, have spake the fucking truth. I always have thought along these lines, but I couldn't have put it better than you did.

  3. I'd like to get rid of my entire run of Maximum Carnage. You see, when I was younger, that was the first thing that got me into reading comics (poor, stupid me) and I subsequently read almost exclusively Spiderman throughout the Mid 90's. Sometime after I sold my whole collection to earn money for a trip to Seattle or something.


    Years later, when I finally got back into reading comics (thanks to John Constantine and Marv) I decided to buy all the comics from my old collection. So i bought an entire fun Maximum Carnage. Again. And it sucks. I had the SNES game awhile back, but I sold it in my other eBay business. I should've sold them together and purged the whole memory of it from my system.

  4. Yes, he would have demon blood, but it would be Ellie's blood, not Nergal's....Unless Nergal and Ellie are related! Then Carey would be correct by referring to John having "Nergal's blood", only not directly from Nergal's veins.


    Stan, since Mike Carey never makes any mistakes, I think that Nergal is really Ellie's father, it's just a secret. Shameful and all that.

    Well, how about it Stan? Do I get a nefarious, nubulescent No-Prize for my effort?


    M.M.M.S. Christian Cage


    I think the reason , Christian, you don't see any retcons in hellblazer is because you are king of the hellblazer no-prize! :)



    You know it, True Believer!

  5. I've tried to search for this before, but I didn't find anything...


    Kit's father (in the Heartland special) has a striking similarity to the First of the Fallen. His appearance alone is nearly identical... but if that's not enough, the headbutt panel mirrors a panel from the Rake at the Gates of Hell arc...


    What's the deal with that?



    Welcome to DILLONFACE!!

  6. Dude, I'm totally gonna skate on the tennis courts during their practice. On my way to the Hastings/Borders/Waldenbooks to drink all their free coffee and read all of the TPB's. Then it's 48 hours of Pizza and console RPG's with two other guys.

  7. Tony, don't I know you from art class? You did that big mural of Lord of the Rings, right? Cool. Do you wanna meet for a smoke off school grounds later?


    Yeah I never smoked, but I got that all the time. I was actually straight edge all through high school. And yeah I read Lord of the Rings a lot :blush: and got my solo at the Winter Band Concert taken away every year because I would skip rehearsals to go to the movies when they came out.

  8. Bah, press a button and shoot an alien. But have you ever navigated the Temple of Elemental Evil for 18 hours, sustaining yourself on nothing but doritos and Mountain Dew? Thought not. That, my friend, is warriorness.


    Or something like that!



    Oh man those were the days. I remember one time, it took 6 hours just to tweak our characters how we wanted.


    I played the electronic version of TOEE, and it was ok.

  9. As has been stated, it was eluded to by Jenkins that John got all his nasty bits back when he boned Ellie. Dunno how Nergal's blood came back into him from having sex with a demon but...that's how they explained that one.


    They like it rough. It was messy.

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