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Tony B.

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Posts posted by Tony B.

  1. DON"T MIND IF I DO!!!





    Anyway, I sold my baby today. No, not my daughter, my car. I've had my '64 Chevy Impala for the last five years and put my heart and soul (and 1,000s of $$$) into it. It'll be missed. Now I can be one of those old guys that say "When I was a kid I used to have a ______, I shoulda held on to that one."


    But now I can continue going to college, so that's good.

  2. Also, those old WWF "action" figures. Yeah, "action"! They couldn't do a damn thing! Hard ass plastic. They'd just stand in the ring and you had to ram them into each other over and over.

    Body-slams? Head locks? Arm breakers? Leg locks? Even Hogan's might leg drop of death? Hell, no! You couldn't do any of those moves!


    Does everyone remember Dino Riders or Thunder Cats?


    There's this guy (about 25) who works at one of the local comic stores. Last time I was in there he was talking about G.I. Joes. "You keep talking about how cool your old, 'life-size' G.I. Joe action figures were, well they're nothing! What have they got? Kung-Fu grip? HA! My G.I. Joes had tiny AK-47s that didn't quite fit in their hands and holes in their backs that their packs fit perfectly into."

    I thought it was humorous.



    You had to pile all the WWF figures in the ring playset and shake it. The last one to fall out wins the match.


    I thought I was the only person in the world who liked Dino Riders. I still have buttloads of the toys and a few VHS tapes.


    Yeah and you could take the little G.I. Joes apart and swap body parts..... OK maybe that's just me.

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