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Tony B.

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Posts posted by Tony B.

  1. Has the whole world gone crazy? I will be the only one to completely stand up for this book from beginning to end. It is one of the best damn books I have ever read. The "Ancient Historys" trade is fucking great. Saint's backstory is Unforgiven and Every fucking badass John Wayne movie ever rolled into one rocking chapter. It has an amazing ending that allows the hero to still ride off into the sunset at the end. I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it, and still enjoy Garth's work. He's one of the best voices in comics today. If this don't sit well with ya, sorry. Just do the good Christian thing and forgive me my trespasses.


    P.S.- I can't leave out some of the best characters in comics; Herr Starr(also my cat's name), Arseface, and The Saint of Killers.



    You are awesome. Starr was fucking hilarious. The page that is 8 panels of him looking in the mirror and one panel of "Shit" is a classic.

  2. OK, you are the casting director of PREACHER: The Movie. Go!


    John Wayne: Clint Eastwood




    Like it!


    As far as the homophobia goes, it would be hard not to have it when the main character's idol is all of John Wayne's movie characters. Even if John's real name was Marion.

  3. It did get really contrived toward the end (for instance, why would Cassidy go to Heaven?), but by then I was just so into the characters that I didn't care.

  4. I was too lazy to look for pre-existing threads, so I decided to make a new one devoted to Garth Ennis' masterpiece, Preacher.



    I fucking love it. 2nd All-Time Favorite comic (next to Year One). Anybody else?




    I laughed, I cried, I shit my pants (almost), I fucking *love* it. Let us discuss.....

  5. JC's first panel appearance (it was actually the first time they 'drew Sting' into the comic, the character came later) was in Swamp Thing #25. I have two if anybody wants one and can pay international shipping, presumably.



    Swamp Thing is a fun comic, but Moore's run is head and shoulder's above the rest.

  6. I'm not going to argue with your enjoyment of Azzarello's run, as it was a matter of taste, and I admit that it was well-written, even though I felt it was a weak run, minus a few stories. In fact, I think I may be the only fan of the Bingo story!





    I loved the Bingo story.

  7. Misogyny can be fun. Hahaha. Not really.


    I'll check it out then.



    I can see it now:


    "Well Tony, if you like Verotik Comics, then I can't really recommend anything, because you're an idiot."

  8. Danzig is an asshole, but my love for his music carries over when I read his comics (I would probably think they were stupid if I didn't like his music).


    But yeah Chaykin is badass.

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