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Tony B.

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Posts posted by Tony B.

  1. He's taking in as much info as he can.


    Plotting the big takeover, ya see?




    Open challenge to Googlebot.


    yep. It's ok, we can win, we have Manthing on our side.

  2. There's also these collections coming:



    Collecting the four-issue HELLBLAZER SPECIAL

    On Sale March 29, 2006






    collecting the acclaimed 5-issue Vertigo miniseries

    On Sale April 5, 2006



    saw them both here:




    That's too bad.

  3. Fabry grew on me.



    At first I hated everything he did. The weird shadows made everyone look dirty. After a while I started seeing good things about the covers, especially after I read Preacher. He is a talented artist, but the dirtiness and the 'granny hands' hide that sometimes.

  4. TV: Red Dwarf (first 5 or so seasons), Star Trek TNG, Babylon 5, History Channel


    Books: Hunter S. Thompson, Tolkien, Fight Club


    Movies: Reservoir Dogs, Big Lebowski, Conan, Braveheart, Mad Max 1 and 2, Mallrats (yes i love mallrats, let the hating begin) and some skate videos like Blind's Video Days and Toy Machine's Welcome to Hell.


    Video games: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Baldur's Gate II, Final Fantasy I for NES, Legend of Zelda for SNES.


    Music: Bad Religion, Black Sabbath, Dio (yes more hating please), Slayer, The Who, The Clash, The Beatles, Minor Threat, Misfits/Samhain/Danzig, Flogging Molly, Bon Scott-era AC/DC, Iron Maiden, less than Jake, Big D and the Kids Table.


    Comics: Batman: Year One is my all-time Favorite. also Watchmen, Preacher, Akira, Hellblazer, first couple years of Wolverine, almost any Punisher (except 2099 and angels/demons whathaveyou), ....more later...... can't think right now....



    Food: steak, cap'n crunch, chocolate power bars, coffee, guinness.

  5. Yeah I definately like the idea, and it's safe to say that it will never be reprinted in the U.S. (blowing up the "Manhattan Tower"?). The ending was kinda dumb.

  6. I like the O.G. Howard stories, the '70s Marvels, the first movie, and I'm reading the Dark Horse series (but haven't read 24 and 25 yet).


    Awesome. The last page of issue #6 is reason enough. Even the fill-in issues between Howard adaptations are good.

  7. Some of my favorites are David Bowie's Space Oddity lyric is "Ground control to Major Tom." thought "Ground control to Mao Se Tung", The J. Gyles Band "My angel is a centerfold" thought "my anus is the centerhole" , "taking care of business" thought  " baking carrot biscuits".



    I'm laughing so hard that I'm crying. Seriously. Damn it.

  8. Yeah, the youth thing irks me, especially since this is supposed to be 10 years AFTER the 2nd film, and the new actor looks younger than the guy playing Superboy on Smallville.



    I don't know if the 10 years would make a difference (unless it's Earth 2 Superman or some bullshit like that) but I agree Routh is tooooo young.

  9. I was at a friend's house the other day when we noticed that Superman and Superman II were playing back to back on some weird cable channel. I remember how incredible those movies were, even with the cheesiness and um, the Gene Hackman.... but anyway the point remains that those two movies are about as perfect as you can get for a superhero movie. Chris Reeve is just so damn awesome and the music, dear god the music is fucking brilliant. Normally, anything involving Superman illicits from me a feeling of nostalgia and wonder at how people viewed the first superhero comics so long ago, and the first two movies totally capture that feeling. I know that feeling is sappy and sentimental and All-American type silliness, but is it wrong that I welcome it so willingly? I think that all comic fans, whether you hate the Big Blue Boyscout and don't read superhero comics or not, could benefit from watching these two movies. I really do.


    This is totally random weirdness. Sorry.

  10. It can get very repetitive and obvious when Ennis goes off on religion, but the characters, the relationships, the main themes other than religion, the one-liners, and the truly 'punched in the stomach' writing (i.e. "Tell her I love her, Cass. Now let go." I cried, I really did) save the series.

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