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Tony B.

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Posts posted by Tony B.

  1. Can anyone explain to me where the events in John's world coinside with the events in the regular DC world? It was spawned in the pre Vertigo days and was connected to the regular DCU then. So what is the connection, if any, now?



    when john was a regular in swamp thing, he seemed to exist in the normal dc universe (involved with swampy, batman, crisis on infinite earths, and some more stuff) but since he's had his own series, the writers (and editorial columns in the comics themselves) stress that john's universe is not the same as the superhero-filled dc universe. for the most part. i find this odd because of how frequently he appears in the "vertigo universe" as it were. hmmphh. someone else explain this better than i did please.

  2. SUCKED.


    They had their good moments but finding those was like looking for a melted candy bar in a pile of shit.


    I am a huge fan of Alex Ross-man the Bossman, but the stories in these comics were just hideous drivel to me.


    Was I missing an underlying point or something? I just want to know other's opinions on these series.

  3. how about "Burnt Offerings"?


    Didn't they change the name of thee letter col in the comic to that at one point ?



    yes! somebody got it.


    they had a mail-in contest to rename the column because 'voices from beyond' was too cheesy/old or something. they had it for like 3 issues before vertigo got rid of letter columns altogether.

  4. Minor typos, or occasional spelling/punctuation errors, are fine - we all make them from time to time. Repeated, brutal and sustained assaults on the English language, on the other hand get on my tits like virtually nothing else, and there've been a few more of those lately than I can be bothered to put up with. I've never been tempted to use the "ignore" function before, but I'm probably going to have to start.



    wotre you gittin at, mate?

  5. at the beginning of the punisher max line, the government wanted frank to fight al-qaeda, an offer which he refused. frank fights a war on crime, not a war on terror. batman fights for a similar cause, and will be fighting al-qaeda because they 'attacked gotham city'. this somehow makes it personal for bats and he needs to kick ass and win (batman always wins) and that would be nice if people didn't have to hear "war on terror" every fucking day over here. frank miller is trying to show how awesome superheroes can truly be, in a "what would batman do?" kind of way. i'll admit that i'm a huge frank miller fan, but if he does this in a racist or ultranationalist way, i'll be very dissapointed. could be terrible, could be great. we'll see.



    sorry long post.

  6. I've heard Gambit will watch a little girl die and feel so badly about it that he'll want to give up his evil Horseman ways. In order to do this, he'll make a deal with the Three Lords of Marvel Hell, selling each one his soul to escape Apocalypse. The demons will discover they've been tricked and create a life-long vendetta with Gambit.

    Line from X-Men #235, "Remy LeBeau, you are my adversary, my Devil!"-Mephisto

    DC will sue Marvel after this event occurs.


    Can i ask are you taking the piss referring to another comic or being serious alos realy didn't creat the thread for gambit bashing so if thats all your gonna do why bother fuck off and talk about summat else and taking the piss out of his powers and his costume ..... jesus do you even look at the x-men or are you to deluded by your favourites that you cant see any faults? Pisses me off when people make slanderous comments that havent been warranted but they think they can just take the piss because it happens to be something there not fond off and when one starts others have to follow ... narrow mindedness anyone?



  7. If you're British, write to your MP and beg him to stop the stupid ban, in the name of tradition, decency, and the best comic book ever.



    fuckin' A. an indoor smoking ban recently passed in my state (washington, where the Highwater arc took place) as well. bummer.

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