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Posts posted by Shanice

  1. I still have one of Tim Seelig's pieces as my wallpaper. If people like Tim get some publicity and perhaps even some work out of this site then it gets a thumbs up from me.


    Well if the producers loved Tim's work I hope they use it for the sequel then (if there'll be one) so that Tim can become really famous and work for whole Hollywood and become filthy rich.

  2. Mwoah...It's just a song that you hear and afterwards forget. But then I'ts not my music. I'm into singer/songwriter and poppy jazz kind of music. I don't see why this is a good Constantine song. The lyrics don't have anything to do with the movie, I think.


    You know, Bush, Becky and Gwen Stefani should've made the soundtrack with a video by Francis of course.

  3. I guess it won't come out in Holland? Just like the book? And the Premiere magazine?


    Gosh. I just LOVE living in a small, not even visible on a globe, blessed with a prime minister that resemles Harry Potter country called Holland. I LOVE it. :icon_twosgun:


    I saw the comic book in my local store last week, so it should be widely available. but it's utter shite. I saw the last panel and wanted to cry. or possibly kill the entire movie production team.


    yeah it really sucks..thank God sounds are that this comic won't resemble the film.

  4. Late reaction: Thans Rogan!!! Luv ya.


    Anyway, I find this adaptation terrible. The dialogue really, really sucks. Most things John says should've been in a thinking balloon. I really hope the movie is lots of different. I also think that it goes to fast from scene to scene in this comic, don't know why but it felt like they had a bigger comic book before but they had to cut out some pages for some reason.


    This is the first time ever that I'm getting less likely to see the film....:|


    Let's hope that film surprises us with being totally different from this comic thingy.

  5. Oh my....let's hope it ends different. Well there's one positive thing about the ending and that's of course that in the sequel Chas won't be there. And if THIS GUM ending is the same as in the movie that just sucks. But on the other hand I have to admit that for audiences that aren't familiar with the real JC it might work because then maybe they find him more likable.


    And he's there with Angela. Is there romance between them in the comic?

  6. Constantine (2005) (post-production) (producer)

    Hard Ball (2001) (executive producer)

    Sweet November (2001) (producer)

    The Replacements (2000) (executive producer)

    Feeling Minnesota (1996) (executive producer)

    Chain Reaction (1996) (executive producer)


    That's some pretty poor stuff.


    Actually, Devil's Advocate was ok. Good is pushing it.


    Did you really see all of them??


    Just because they weren't great sucesses doesn't mean they suck. The Replacements was very funny.

  7. Well, I can translate it John but it doesn't say much interesting though, just a review. the comments under the article are very funny though. Someone says that the guy of the screenshots resembles Neo (while in the article they mention Keanu is the screenshot) ..Another says : Geez, ever heard of Keanu Reeves? Then that guy says: Well, he's NOT the guy who played Neo...LOL


    I don't get that whole third person shooter (?) thing btw. See i can't even let creatures like Lara Croft walk properly...But I see Angela too. So can you choose between them with who you want to play? Or will John and Angela just meet each other?

  8. Oh if it comes out here I won't buy it untill I've seen the movie. But the comic-movie-Constantine must resemble Keanu though. I don't really get the thought behind those movie comics...It's the same story as the movie right? No differences? So why do they make it anyway? I look forward more to the book, cauze they give lots of extra info like the thoughts feelings etc of the characters. I hope the comics come online somewhere....along with the book. Cos i'm sure that book won't come out in Ollanda.

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