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Posts posted by Shanice

  1. *Some really good scenes (Keanu vs. Balthazaar, alcohol poisoning, the mirror "deportation").


    Alcohol poisoning? Did I miss something? What happens there? I really need to steal that script :glare:


    Oh and Mark, you should really see the Gift. I'm sorry but I just HAD to say that. He's really, really good in it! (see attachment!)


    Anyway I of course voted positive, though the news about the PG 13 fucked up a main part of my positivity.



    % Keanu

    % I luv movies that have the devil in it

    % I luv movies that deal with the occult

    % I just love movies

    % The stills look really nice

    % The effects look very nice too

    % The supporting cast (Chaz excluded)

    % I like Rachel Weisz

    % The lung cancer

    % The story sounds rather interesting

    % Flashbacks to Johns childhood

    % A romance????!!



    % Chaz

    % No moments with John being nice and regular

    % No Cheryl and Gemma

    % Cats and water

    % John wearing the same clothes throughout the whole movie (Does he have 1000 black ties, white shirts and black pants in his closet or something?)

    % The rating.... :angry:


  2. - Rachel Weisz is in Constantine's apartment again.

    Weisz: "I was hoping you could at least point me in the right direction."

    Constantine: "Yeah."

    He points at the door, and Weisz looks disappointed.



    This is actually very funny!!Hahh!! It made me laugh out loud (which sucks, cos' I'm at school and people think I'm crazy now)


    Anyways, I hoped for a trailer with a story it sounds like a flashy thing now. I want a voice over telling the stroy and some dark images shown.

  3. Hey, @ Club Keanu ( Last uploads in the gallery) there are new Constantine picture(s). With Shia leBeoef too! Shia actually looks older then he is there. Maybe they try to make him look like Chas after all? Maybe part of the reshoots?




    (note: I didn't know where to post this, so feel free to delete it/ move it ;) )


  4. I searched for this thread months ago but now finally I found it :D Anyways I'm Shanice , 16 years old and from Holland. I came to this forum cos' I find the hot guy that portrays JC very hot (makes sense huh?) Later on I started to like the original JC too (he's also hot!) and now I've read Dangerous Habits , Original sins (booooring) , Fear and Loathing and ....what's the name again....with the Liberty Statue on the cover??? I Like the comics a lot, but I must admit: If there wasn't the Keanuconnection I probably would've never read a comic in my entire life.


    But I must go now, time for Math class




    Edit: It's Damnation's Flame!!! :excl: Right? :-? :icon_rolleyes:

  5. The reviewer feels that John deserves the problems he has and has no sympathy for him. That's a good point , right? Isn't that what you (geeks  :happy:  ) wanted?


    It's right that John deserves many/most of the problems he has, but the unsympathetic portrayal suggests hamhanded writing or directing to me.


    I thought you guys didn't want him to come off sympathetic in the film?

  6. If you watch it on yer PC/Tv it isn't the same as when you watch it in the cinema. So after the movie is released the folks that saw it on Tv/PC can't talk in the same thread as the ones that saw it in the cinema!! :closedeyes:


    When there are special effects in a film you should ALWAYS watch it in the cinema. Else it such a bloody waste! :happy:


    And who lies awake for spending 8 euros?

  7. I'm 16. In Holland I can now go to every movie I want to yeah!! (I'm not sure about porn though ;) just kiddin') And I've got parents too but I thought it was a good idea to compensate my enormous ethusiasm for the film with some negative energy from a Hellblazer fan. He he.

  8. Mister Matadoor. Xcuse me if i'm asking something that has been answered before but why are you spending all that time convincing people the movie rules and thet Hellblazer fans should see it.


    I think most of the Hellblazer fans said they would actually see it. So most of them already have open minds. Some just won't see it , why can't you accept that?

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