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Posts posted by Shanice

  1. I downloaded and I can't get it to play in any of my players: Windows Media Player, RealPlayer or Quick Time. I wonder if I need some sort of codec... :huh:


    DivX did the job for me...You have that?


    Oh and see, Keanu can act!!


    I also thought Rachel did a nice job in the beginning where she says "Mr Constantine I blablabla" Because in the trailer you only see her looking serious and here she smiles in between. Which is better...

  2. In fairness to Lauren, she explained that she meant 'Dirty Harry' in the sense that John was just as capable of doing bad as good.


    Ok, the video quality is a little choppy in places but right click and save as here to download an 84meg version of the 10 minute promotional DVD footage.


    Ocean, it's Andy you need to propose to - if it wasn't for his kindness, I wouldn't have had anything to upload.


    I have a nice big, crystal clear 250meg .mpg of the thing that I'll burn onto CD for the lads in Britain (cause postage will be bugger all).


    I'll move to Brittain first thing tomorrow!! :icon_frown:


    No, thanx soooo much Andy and John ! Made my day!! Laph ya ;)

  3. "Wonderful"was my first thought


    And then I scrolled down and saw that thingy in his hand.



    My thoughts indeed. On a second view I have to say that the poster is well made, the "feel" and the color seems right (IMO of course, and I still prefer the first one), but that gun so upfront is a bit too much (although action fans will swoon with that). I must say I have nothing against the whole "holy shotgun story", but if the American poster says: "Constantine: dark-moody-supernatural", this poster says "Constantine: Keanu kicking demons asses all around".


    Anyway, there´s someone here who knows french? What is written in that?


    Mon Francais n'est pas très bien mais je pense: Heaven and hell have made a bet....it takes place on earth.

  4. "Wonderful"was my first thought


    And then I scrolled down and saw that thingy in his hand. Geez, that's so lame. I really really prefer the American one. I also wonder why Rachel Weisz isn't bigger or at least reckonizable...She has a big role, right? On the other poster she wasn't at all. Btw, when you hold this one next to Van Helsing there are some similarties. Doesn't say anything about the movie of course. This way they just want the actionlovers to get ethusiastic.


    I really hope only the French get to enjoy this one.

  5. That was my post. At school here, forgot to log in.


    And mama, Sixth Sense is scary because it looks so realistic there but you don' t expect to find possesed girls or demons in your room right? Because, I remember I couldn't sleep after Jurrasic Park(when I was eight). I thought dinosours could eat me and dreamt about it every night. At the other hand I watched X files that age and I never thought that was scary. See what I mean? I think that with Constantine you know it could never happen.

  6. If you go to a good cinema in Holland audiences are quiet becauze if you make noise they kick you out. Except with comedies, then you're allowed to laugh. But i once went to Gothika in a bad one and everybody was screaming (litteraly) thoughout the whole movie!! I was so pissed. But I'm with the ones that prefer to see a movie in the cinema when it's a big budget movie. Movies like that just don't have the same inpact when you watch them on yer PC/TV.


    But drama's I never see in the cinema. I always cry like a baby and it's really awkward (and kind of dumb too) doing that in public :icon_redface:

  7. I've been going on about this a bit too much, haven't I  :icon_2gun:


    What do people think of the little snippets of new footage on the German site then ?  Isabel's scars looked suitably disturbing to me.


    I liked the second clip. I think Rachel does a good job there and it made me want to see what happens after the streetlights were turned off. The third one had a nice creepy atmoshpere , liked it. The first one was not that special.

  8. I'm mailing it out to JMC today.  Although it won't be spreading much holiday cheer once most of you see the way the producers talk about this film.  If I knew how I would rip it on to bit torrent or something but I'm not that proficient.


    There's going to be a behind the scenes special on HBO in February which I might assume will probably be pretty much the same content as the promo disc.


    We don't have HBO in Holland....It's still not on bittorent, I can't believe it :(

  9. Via Krix site Keanuvision, I believe. Then I read the background info here (issue summaries and Chas and all) and it appealed to me. Then I asked where I could buy some issues on the old forum. Then I got a pm from InDenial88 and after talking on the phone we met and then I borrowed some issues from her that she bought in New York.



  10. The newest trailer looks really great and is much better then the MTV one. I'm also quite impressed with the Keanu voice over. Even though i'm a ke-fan i thought a voice over by him would suck. The new Constantine logo is better too and it actually tells the story a little!!It could really be a prefect trailer.....


    but the music is so WROOOONG!

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