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Posts posted by Chris

  1. In Dunedin, New Zealand, a student town. Cold. Savage. We have oppressive landlords who lock everyone into a year long lease, which means around this time of year, you have intrepid flat hunters coming right off the street unnanounced, asking if they can look at your flat.


    I'm fucking busy with my dissertation, and this fucks me off. So I just tell them "Its a hole, you don't want to live here." (Which is true) and send them on their merry way.


    This is my "Oh, you want to come in and look at it anyway?" face


  2. Excluding the obvious John Constantine



    The Flash (Wally West)

    Spider Jerusalem

    Dwight from Sin City


    Honorable mentions:


    Wylie Times from 100 Bullets

    Mitchell Hundred from Ex Machina

    Yorick Brown

    Kyle Rayner

  3. Well, it was quite pathetic looking. :icon_rolleyes:  :lol:


    Well I guess you're just asking for abuse if you're going to be so quick to expose yourself.


    One thing that I never got was "national nude day", which was just a stupid excuse for University student fuckwits to get naked in pubs and in our case, halls of residence. I mean, its Dunedin, its fucking frigid here.


    Your wang is going to look small no matter what.

  4. My avatar was the most appropriate looking Manco one. I think its from his first issue of Hellblazer. Sometimes, I get visually compared to it.


    When I first turned up here I had Yorick Brown from Y: The Last Man for ages.

  5. One of my flatmates thinks it's hilarious. Another is indifferent. The last one is pissed. What a fucking fun-sponge.


    Edit: For the record, Jimmy B was a factor, but the real culprit is this man:




    Rule #75 is so true. I think I might have gone off the rails.

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