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Posts posted by Chris

  1. There was some weird-ass shit going outside my work today in the town square.


    Some dude was dressed up in classical conductor's garb and was pretending to direct a semi-circle arrangement of seats each with a stereo on it, they were all playing Mozart and the dude looked like a right berk.


    Only later did I find out it was some Mozart's birthday celebration bollocks.

  2. "Grant Morrison's X-Men? Did he kill off Phoenix? He didn't have the guts! We took chances in my day, did things no one had ever seen before in any format!"


    Wait... I thought he did?


    Are you being sarcastic?


    Anyway. Props to John. It was refreshing to see someone standing out, against all those other fanboys too timid to speak out against Byrne. I always thought his Superman: Man of Steel stuff was a complete waste of time.

  3. Hey y'all.


    Haven't posted in nary a long time, and that bothers me. But unfortunately its unlikely to change for a while.


    I finished my BA(hons) last year and I've since been bouncing around between the North and South Island of New Zealand, slacking off in Dunedin, and now working at the Wellington City Council (menial, data entry bollocks). That ends at the end of next week, and I then go to a place called Clarence (I had never heard of it), to do a few weeks excavation. After that, I go to do some fieldwork in Tonga for about a month (one of my old lecturers emailed me and asked if I wanted to go, he said he'd pay).


    So yeah, that's what's been going on with me.

  4. Nobody's mentioned how unforgivably awesome the Mercenaries feature is.


    Or does that come after you beat the game?


    This game, along with GTA: San Andreas almost stopped me getting my degree last year.

  5. The full article mentions that


    Chris Sprouse will step in for a two issue fill-in on Ex Machina, spelling off regular series artist Tony Harris sometime after issue #20.


    I agree. Tony Harris's work has been nothing short of amazing on that series.

  6. As I said, self-indulgence. The original film runs to just over an hour and a half, and is just about perfect - I can understand Jackson being in "epic" mode after the films he's just spent the last 8 years of his life working on, but honestly...it's a thrill-ride of a movie about a gigantic gorilla. How epic does it really need to be? To me, the concept and storyline lend themselves far more sensibly to a streamlined, fast-paced and action-packed set-up, not too long, and with extraneous waffle cut to a minimum. Jackson's a very good film-maker, so I'm sure he's filled all that extra time with good stuff, but I can't imagine it all being necessary.


    I don't know, I always thought the first film could have standed to have spent a bit more time in New York at the end. If Jackson picks up on this, I'd be happy with it. I certainly don't think its self indulgence if they're actually fleshing it out a bit more.


    (Fleshing, not padding)

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