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Posts posted by Chris

  1. I read the first three Tim Truman miniseries issues of Hawkman, and its the best use of the character I've ever seen. Made him plausible like. Haven't read what Ostrander did after that.


    I think Swampthing is best left in the 80's. I don't know much about the early 90's stuff or anything post-Moore really. I think he should just be left as an entity present in the Vertigo universe. A bit of Irony that John Constantine, who first appeared as a guest character in Swamp Thiing, has more sustainability than Swamp Thing who is now best relegated to a guest character.


    Wait, did that make sense?

  2. I've always been aware of this "You go where you believe you're going" theory on the boards. James seems to be a big advocate of it, but how exactly did it originate? I recall some references to Underworld Unleashed, but what did that have to do with it?

  3. I thought it was a great issue, convention be damned. That Manco art was great, and I hope he stays on the title for a long time.


    It would have been nice to have a few more fillers before John's bastard children turned up though.

  4. Any theories on whats happening here?


    In one of those panels with Black Hand, where you can pretty much only see Spectre's arm and cape and hood, it looks like his arm is from Parallax's uniform. Or am I just reading too much into this?

  5. So. Obviously in the course of long running comics, severe fuck-ups are made and then discarded from continuity. Spider-Man: Chapter One comes to mind. What would you retcon in which series if you were a master of continuity? What do you wish never happened?


    I can't think of anything too exciting right now, but the Clone Saga in Spider-Man seems like an obvious choice.

  6. To be honest John, I'm not actually that big a Green Lantern fan. I am a big Flash fan however, and I really enjoyed Iron Heights. The main reason I'm getting this series is to find out just how the fuck Johns thinks he can bring Hal back.

  7. Making this topic will probably earn me the scorn of James, but I was wondering if anyone has read this, and what they make of it. Plus, I haven't been here in a while, and I don't even think I've started a topic here yet. So here goes.


    I think Johns has set up a pretty ominous and foreboding tone, and Van Sciver is on top of his game with the art.


    It looks like some pretty dark times ahead, and I wouldn't be surprised if we get to a point where Hal Jordan, The Spectre, and Parallax are running around at the same time. Hal/Spectre seems pretty schitzophrenic thats for sure.

  8. Wow, I'm going to have to come out of my hardcore study regime to answer this one.


    RE: Kicking Ass.


    1) What music is playing? That would be 'The Big Come Down' by Nine Inch Nails.


    2) Do you roll up in a vehicle, or walk up? Walk up, all slow like. So they know I mean business.


    3) What are you wearing? Ripped jeans and a black t-shirt.


    4) Are you using any weapons? A crowbar. Possibly a power drill as well.


    5) Where is this taking place? What's going on in the background? In a darkened disused cathedral. Kind of like the end of the Crow. Rats scurry around in the background and lightning strikes outside.


    6) Are there minions to deal with? Judo priests?


    7) Is it kung fu, or straight-up brutality, or some mix of the two? This some kicking and punching. Using the crowbar to block and whack people. Not unlike a policeman stick. I make my way up to the head priest and its ritualistic sword (Think Evil Dead) versus crowbar. Don't get me wrong, I'm not doing any godly duty. I just fucking hate cult leaders.


    8) What line do you deliver when administering the coup de grace? Well after all of this hardout fighting shit and good work for society I'd probably fuck it up with a James Bond style bad pun. So I'd try to keep quiet.

  9. Jesus I can't remember. It went something like this. Bendis had a fan write in something like, "Who would win in a fight. You or Drew Hayes?" Bendis, not know who Drew Hayes was, said something like, "I'd make him my bitch." Turns out Drew Hayes is a big scary goth fucker and came up t Bendis at the con and scared the shit out of him. But it was all jokes and then they had an insult war in their letter pages or something.


    That is all I know about Poison Elves and Drew Hayes.

  10. Ok, I'm way late on this one.


    I gave it a seven. I thought it was pretty good, all around and I even quite liked some of Frusin's art.


    But I just can't help wondering why Rosa couldn't have just got the Demon John to knock her up.


    But then that wouldn't be fun. Or something.

  11. I've got a hold of Crappin' You Negative by the Grifters and I must say I like what I'm hearing. So far, stand out songs are "Maps of the Sun", "Get Outta That Spaceship and Fight Like A Man" and "Junkie Blood".

  12. Ok, that whole Khaaan.com thing? I was in the University library doing an assignment. I clicked on the link to see what it was, but promptly forgot to look at it as I read the rest of the thread. I was listening to my Minidisc, and couldn't hear a thing outside of the Jeff Buckley on my headphones (the more hard-out stuff off the second disc of Sketches). I could swear I heard some kind of screaming faintly in the background. Then I notice everyone looking at me funny. I take off my headphones and I hear "Khaaaan!"


    Thanks Mark. Now people think I'm a retard.


    (Normally, all of the computers are on mute, but I'd turned it off so I could listen to a Grifters CD through the computer.)

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