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Posts posted by jaynova

  1. John and Chas were mates before the whole mess at Newcastle so that should rule Nergal out.


    In theory, John's oldest 'friend' could be the twin he strangled in his mum's womb.



    I didn't read this issue, so I don't know what it means, but Nergal seems to have knows ConJob as a child, even if ConJob didn't know him.


    I still say it's Nergal, and according to the votes, someone agrees with me! I won't be the only one who's wrong! :blush:

  2. I think the question is a little vague. I can be religious at times, but I am niether a Christian, Jew, or Muslim. I believe in a higher power, but, like Abi, I don't think it can be tied to one religion. I call myself an eclectic neo-pagan with budhist tendancies.


    I agree, though, that Johnny operates under a distinctly Miltonian Christian paradigm. He just doesn't believe that the God of his world is the be all and end all.


    The reason, then, that I do not like Constantine accepting god is that it goes against everything we know about the character. John does not beg or forgiveness. He either gets himself out of trouble, or tricks others into helping him (which, to him, is a testament to his own guile, and therefore he is still helping himself).


    If the book were about a Catholic Priest, lets say, who fought demons, accepting god would be completely acceptable. But its not right for John.


    Hope this clears things up. :)

  3. "We're just whipping boys for the Almighty's guilty concience" or what have you. Demon Constantine say's "We're". Though he knows he's different, he still thinks of himself as human. The Rat/Demon/thing sees human's as cattle, and seems detatched from them. Just thought of that, I did.

  4. The Demon Constantine is still the most likely of the options.  I would think he needs John to help to kill himself.  Though if John kills the Demon Constantine does that still count as suicide?  I'm just throwing out ideas here obviously....

    Yeah, but he doesn't talk like Demon Constantine. If it is him, I'll be a little irritated. Still a cool idea, but I don't like the way he acts. I'm sure Carey knows what he's doing.

    *Crosses himself, draws a pentagram in the air, meditates for hours, kneels to the east, kills a chicken* Have faith, have faith, have faith.

  5. A copy of Amazing Fantasy 15! I had a friend who had one, coverless and with pages missing. The Spidey part was intact, though.


    Also, all the Hellblazer and Starmans I am missing (I'm only missing a few of the late issues of Starman.

  6. I still think it's Nergal. I mean, yeah, he knows about Ravenscar. But he was resposible for ConJob being there in the first place, right? I've never read those early issues (I have 1, 2,3, then jump to 11, then the nuclear beach issue), but I thought that Nergal was the beast summoned to take care of the northfullthing in Newcastle. Maybe Nergal kept tabs on him or something.


    edit: If it turns out to be someone we havn't met yet, I'm voting Carey off the island.

  7. I had an experience like this myself. If you've ever read Brian Michael Bendis' "Goldfish", there's a part that takes place "by the dancing fountain". It's obvious to anyone from the Cleveland area (I'm in Canton, Ohio myself, but I've been to Cleveland MANY times) that this is Tower City Mall, which does indeen have the aformentioned dancing fountain. It's cool because I have stood in the exact spot he must have stood in to get the photo ref. picture.

  8. I, too, love D & G's Justice League...this issue where Batman floored Guy Gardener was great!


    Starman was always a blast; Robinson was having fun using all those old characters, and you could tell.


    Cerebus was fun all the way through High Society. I actually got Sim to sign an issue as Cerebus (complete with a drawing of a tree) and Elrond (with the requisite bunny head). I think Gerhard signed and drew a brick, though I think the issue was actually pre-Gerhard.


    If I remember correctly, Jeff(?) Connelly's(?) Astounding Space Adventures was pretty fantastic (or, astounding?). I only read the three B&W issues. I met him on an elevator at mid-ohio-con, and I just nodded and said "Mr. Connely". He looked freaked out.


    The Post Zero-Hour Legion of Super Heroes was fun. It kept the innocence of the old days without being overly corney. At least, it kept it's innocence until everything went pear-shaped in the Annual.


    I'm sure I'm forgetting something. I'll come back if I think of anything else.

  9. OH!!! Dammit! I forgot that John doesn't have Nergal's blood in his veins anymore!!!

    I was sure, just like Jay, that the line was proof that Chaz-demon WAS Nergal, as he was pointing out that John was sharing his "demon blood" with her.



    Bah! I, too, forgot about that. As much as I loved Jenkins' run, I came back into HB at "Last Man Standing", and never got back to "Critical Mass".

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