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Posts posted by jaynova

  1. that doesn't even make any sense. you're not paying proper attention to my punctuation.

    I know, I know. It was a stretch. I'm a writing tutor, though, and I've seen some very confusing syntax errors. So in my experience, my response made sense.

  2. Actually, my kid has severe behavioral problems and was recently diagnosed ADHD, so everything I ever thought about how to inspire or promote a concept or idea to my kid pretty much goes out the window, now. In addition to learning how to be a father, I now have to learn how to be a father of a kid with focusing problems who acts upon every impulse (which is why he gets in so much trouble).


    Now, ADHD is the most over-diagnosed disorder in the history of ever, but my kid definitely has massive self-control problems. I've decided against putting him on meds, though. We are going to go the herbal direction with homeopathic treatments. So far, they seem to be helping him.


    I would say, though, find out what your kid enjoys and start endorsing it.


    My kid is small and not athletic, but he has a sweet swing in baseball when he really concentrates. He hit 9 times in a row once. But he can't throw or field worth a shit and he's not interested in learning how to. Is there a DH in Teeball? Anyway, he enjoys me pitching to him but that's the extent of his interest in baseball, or any other athletics for that matter (though I'm hoping for a resurgent swim season next summer).


    Hey...I have ADD. I don't know if this helps, but while I have not grown out of it, I've learned ways to focus or adapt. For instance, I read constantly, but I read 3-5 books at a time. When my interest wanes from one, I'll go to another.


    I've always been bad at sports, and I didn't even learn to ride a bike until I was 8, but I played vidoe games constantly. When I would play, or even if I watched an action movie, I would run or jump in place as I did so. This burned off a lot of energy.


    When he gets older, try caffine. Most doctors say to avoid caffine at all costs, but I noticed that it helped me concentrate. I asked my doctor, and he said that caffine stimulated the same part of the brain as Ritalin. I must note that my ADD is a somewhat mild case.


    It's funny that you mentioned shoelaces...I was 12 when I learned to tie my shoes.


    Question...does he sometimes get so focused on something (a tv show, a game, an idea) that he seems almost obsessed? It sounds funny that this would be a problem in someone with a short attention span, but sometimes we get hyperfocused, where one idea will be the distracting factor in regards to attention.


    Anyway, I hope this helps

  3. I always liked "Gay Wad". I don't use it, because I don't think calling someone homosexual is an insult, but just say it once, with me. "Gay wad". It sounds funny, rolling off the tongue. Not that I've ever had a gay wad roll off my tongue. Seriously.



    Um...Alicia Witt is hot!!!!


    :icon_twosgun: :icon_sam: :icon_shotgun: :icon_2gun: :ph34r:

  4. Holy shit guys! I came on here to discuss the epiphany that, when I found this board, I realized there was more than porn on the internet, and I stumble into an in-depth discussion of the politics of genocide! Deep, guys.


    To add to the commentary on racism:


    1) My parents raised me to not be racist. When I started dating, though, I was told by my mom not to bring home any black girls.


    2)Then, in tenth grade, I liked a jewish girl. My mom saw a picture of her, and said, she's cute, but it would be a really bad idea to go out with her.


    3) My family was watching Jerry Springer (I know, I know), and the skinhead fuck that was on said that the Bible says to kill the jews. He cited a passage (I was surprised he could read), and my mom looked it up. "Oh. It does say that. The skinheads are right." So I had a look for myself, and it most certainly did not say that. I don't remember what it said, but it did not say anything about genocide (in that part, anyway :wacko: .

  5. Thought I'd post some pics of my New Year's Eve. I was sick with a massive cold, and I had no voice. My wife signed us up for a bowling thing with some of her co workers. Here are the results.



    I'm a Wild and Crazy Guy!



    Ha ha ha! I have two hats! OMFG!



    The guys in the background date the girls my wife works with. The white thing in the forground is my wife. I like 'em pale!



    Happy New Year!



    The missus in B&W




  6. There has been some noticable discussion on the boards of late about Starman. Some of it curiousity, and some admiration for the Jack Knight series. So here is a thread for us fans to discuss Starman.

    Maybe those interested will learn something.


    Have at it.

    This was my favorite book, but I had to stop buying comics before it ended. Great stuff!

  7. I played Majestic for a while. You had to give the game info about you, like your phone # and shit. The game itself was based on looking at websites and talking to bots on yahoo instant messenger. There was some government conspiracy to create super soldiers out of citizens or something. At certain times, your phone would ring, and the vioce on the other end would say things like "You already know to much. Walk away before we end the game for you...permanently.


    One time, I got a call from one of the characters, this girl, who was screaming at me because the MIB's or some shit were going to kill her. I thought it was my wife, like she was in an accident or something, and I almost shit myself!


    Great idea, but then eventually cancelled it.

  8. I'm kind of sad to see 2004 go. I declared at the beginning that it would be "my year", and it was. I graduated from college a semester or two earlier than I expected, I had three book reviews published, I moved into a kick-ass house, and got a new job (but kept the old). Although, tomorrow, I'm putting in my 2 weeks notice at Blockbuster, so 2005 is off to a good start.

  9. TOM:

    Izzat Fox Mulder in your avatar, Jay?


    - Jason


    Heh. I was playing with nightlights and mirrors in my garndma's house on Christmas eve, and I noticed that I really looked like Duchovny in this one. As my resemblance to Spooky Mulder has been discussed before, I decided to make it my new avatar. It's funny, though, because I'm told in person I look like David Arquette.

  10. Ever bar-backed? Not sure what you call it in Europe but in the States a bar-back is basically the bartender's slave, stocks everything, washes dishes, runs drinks - the unskilled part of bartending, and meanwhile learns some bartending in the process. In the states he makes a wage and gets "tipped out," that is, all the bartenders and waitstaff he helps that night get a couple of bucks. So it adds up: say, $6.00/hour + $3 from each waitress and $5 from the bartender = $75 or so for an eight-hour shift.


    Bar-backed? Isn't that the sland term for anal sex without condoms? Oh, wait. That's Bareback. Although, you could certainly bareback AND be the bartender's slave. You just have to go to certain bars. I wonder how many tips that would get you.

  11. Some great herb stories getting tossed around in the Santa thread. Thought it deserved it's own territory. Give with the weed stories!


    I've hardly ever smoked at all but the last time I did my buddy's cat crept up behind my head and leaped down next to me on the couch and I about jumped out of my skin. Then I ate a pound of pretzels and hummous while playing Rival Schools and passed out on the floor.


    Heh, I saw the topic, and assumed Lou started it.

  12. The idea is that each issue is split into ministories with each main character (Jack Staff, Becky Burdock, Q) getting their own strip, just like the old Victor/Eagle/whatever comics. The difference being that each of these usually focuses on the same storyline as the rest of the strips, but shows it from a different angle. It's a cute idea but does drag a bit sometimes.


    I picked up the "Everything Used to be Black and White" trade and thought it was marvellous. Grist seemed to be having tonnes of fun with the story, characters and design of each issue, and I found that fun pretty infectious.


    Anyone know when the second trade's out? And if I like Jack Staff is it worth picking up Kane?

    Thanks, James.


    I Have also read the 1st issue of Burgler Bill. Much more focused, but not as fun.

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