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Posts posted by Balthazar

  1. I'm sad. My granmother died during the night. She was 96, and had been getting progressively weaker this last year. But when we celebrated her birthday in december, she was still clear, and greatly appreciated all the grandkids and great-grandkids who gathered to celebrate her.


    She's always been there - a fixture of warmth and love and kindness. Her knowledge of all of her family's lives was impressive, and she kept abreast of all new developments. Her last two years she lived in a care facility, where the staff was impressive and took great care of her. She didn't suffer at the end, but passed peacefully in her sleep.


    I'll always miss her.


    My condolences, Red. She sounds like a wonderful woman.


    It's Inca's birthday! He's 40! Wahey!



    Happy belated, Inca!!!


    Happy birthday Inca!


    I got my driving licence. Celebrated by driving to work with the top down.


    Sweet! Congrats!!


    nah it just means you're lame. it's ok it happens to me too.


    just put out my secondalbum, had an interview on a decently popular internet radio station, got a show on thursday. i deserve...so much more than this. look at how cool my cover is.


    Check you out, man!! Congrats on all that!



    So I've been sick in bed for the last week. My lungs have been killing me, but I'm slowly getting better. Yesterday was my grandmother's funeral. It was a really moving, nice ceremony, and really a LOT of people there. All of my mother's side of the family was there - and that's a bit of a clan, with my mother and her two sisters, their 8 children (me included) with respective husbands etc, and their 16 children (so far).

    Many nice words were said, tears shed and memories rekindled. I was glad I could make it, even if the plane ride was hell.


    Are you feeling better, Red?



    I have adopted a Luna moth! It's currently in the pupa stage. In two months time, it was emerge for the Spring, and I will release him in to the wild.

    I quite like moths.

    A picture of a Luna moth, if curious:



    It's beautiful! What have you named it?

  2. :laugh:


    Well for the abs, I've been doing ab work outs since middle schoold and high school. I don't really do as much as I used to but I'm able to retain it due to eating right and avoiding junk, much fast food (I love diner burgers, so I'm not counting that!), and not consuming any juices and soda. Mostly water is what I'll drink. Abs are really mostly dieting and cardio.


    I do weights and try to do heavy. On one day I'll work on chest and triceps as most work outs target one and the other, but at different levels. Another day will focus on back and biceps. One day of shoulders. Legs will be multiple times of the week but never two days in a row (although I have done it). Abs I try to do once or twice a week. I also need to add more cardio into my routines again as I've just been pushing to add more mass.


    I wrote my routine and diet habits for someone's blog a while back. You can scroll down and see if there if you're interested:



    • Upvote 1
  3. Ok, as a bisexual fan of John Constantine, this debate has annoyed me to no end. Why? Because I find that the people who make the most noise about this has been "fans" who never actually read much of Constantine to begin with. His bisexuality is now canon, fine. But it has never actually played a part in any of the character's development or story. The one story line it plays a part, he's playing a con on the guy who's interested in him. When the producers of the show announced that his bisexuality wasn't going to play a focal point, people got pissed as if we were losing an aspect of the character yet him being into dudes have NEVER EVER played a focal point in the source material.

    • Upvote 5
  4. it is really awesome to see what different artists do with the same basic idea. it's a nice project of yours. have there been any attempts to do a comic (strip, internetsomethingbook) from it? or are you working on something yourself?


    The plan is to make it a series of one-shots and self publish. I tried to do a Jeremy Tableau series but it's now on hiatus. I won't attempt that again until I know I can stably get an on-going to work. For now doing one-shots of Is'nana allows me to just work on them until they're the best they can without promising to have a scheduled on-going series with people waiting and waiting.


    As for drawing myself, I'm no where near skilled to do it but I did do a sketch myself of his face which I like.



  5. Yeah, he wrote the issues where the Redeemer first shows up. Spawn has been so damn crappy since McFarlane dropped Hine and took over the book himself again. He had Brian Wood announced to write the book but it seems he was dropped for possibly Morrison.

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