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Posts posted by wolvy

  1. I watched a film called Knockout last night. It was terrible and the only good thing about it was Steve Austin. Everything else in in it was just laughably bad.


    It's basically Karate Kid meets Rocky, only with terrible acting, a horribly cliched plot, and no redeeming qualities. The kid who learns how to box, sucks and celebrates his "victory" before the judges even make a decision and during his final fight with the bully. He pretty much get's his ass handed to him nonstop till the 3rd final round. I don't care if that spoiled the movie for you. It was terrible, I also almost watched No Holds Barred but couldn't take the 80's cheese and Kurt Fueller constantly calling Hulk Hogan a "Jock Ass" non stop.

  2. Enjoyed The Guest. Good fun.


    Have you seen You're Next?


    Yeah, I saw that a few months back. I thought it was a nice take on the whole Home Invasion trope.


    Thought it was nice when the one girl ran into the barbwire that her head didn't fall off or do anything ridiculous.



    Have you seen Aggression Scale? Think Home Alone if the kid was Sociopath.

  3. BoJack Horseman is a pretty damn good TV series for a cartoon and can get depressing and "Real" a lot of times. It's also very funny too.


    I watched The remake of Robocop last night and I have to say... It wasn't terrible, yeah it didn't do the original film any justice and I felt Murphy's character wasn't very likable.



    The whole thing with his family was kind of dumb, them making him more robotic and AI. Also, a good majority of his character development was just silly.


    I loved how the original made it seem like it was a long journey for him to get his humanity back, and when he started getting flashes of his old life back. It had a lot more heart and impact. Plus the ending where his voice went from robotic to his normal human voice.


  4. I'm still not buying Gal Godat as Wonder Woman at all. You have Ben Affleck who clearly is benching a fucking a car, Henry Cavill who is also jacked, and then you bring in a women who looks like she could get broken in half quiet easily by one of them? Seriously? And it's not like she's just skinny but muscular, she still looks like she needs to eat a few steaks and put some goddamn muscle on. Which is why I still stick with saying that Gina Carano would have been the better choice, because she actually LOOKS tough and is (She did MMA for a few years before acting.) and looks like she could go toe to toe with Superman or Batman. She's not a great actress, but then neither is Gal Godot. She did fuck all in the Fast and Furious movies besides the random hot girl in them and bend over.


    I did like how this movie does pick up where Man of Steel left off, with the casualties and destruction Superman and Zod caused. While, he DID save the Earth and he could use that as his trump card. (I know I would.) "You fight against that other alien caused tons of damage and killed tons of people. What do you have to say for yourself?" "I saved the Earth, So fuck off."*Flies away*

  5. Great news!!


    In re: gym selfies, I love how dudes (and it's always dudes) act like they need their phone for music, but then you catch them flexing their biceps and taking pics.


    Please get out of the squat rack, asshole.


    When I was in college I would always catch people just standing around chatting or some dude just chilling at the machine browsing on his iphone.


    If you're going to chat with friends, then do it outside and not in front of the weights. If you're going to browse on your phone.. Then fuck off. It's a gym, not a park bench.

  6. One doesn't have a fantastic smile to look like a duck, my dear.


    well you could TRY at least. All the other girls are doing it, you want to get with the cool kids. Don't you, Becki?


    Side Note: I think I tweaked my back, I can barely walk up and down a small flight of stairs without being in pain and when I tried to do some jump rope it was like a sledge hammer to the back. So I'm going to have to lay off the high impact stuff till it heals and just stick with things like sit ups and push up, lunges.

  7. I just realized that yesterday I dun fucked up my elbows by doing push ups the improper way. Though in my defense, you try doing 50 push ups after barely being able to pull off 50 sit ups (with your legs straightened out on the floor.).

  8. Just got done with my first boxing class. Holy shit that was exhausting, I had to do 50 sit ups, 50 push ups, 100 jumping jacks and nearly felt like I was going to die. Also my lower back is killing me from the rope skipping. I do plan to go back next month after I've gotten myself into a bit better shape by doing the basic workout at home. (They had also just moved to a new location so they didn't have everything set up at the place and it was a little hard trying not to sweat to death)

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  9. Just finished The Witcher 3 last night and it's been one helluva game. Probably one of my favorite games so far and now I have to go back to trying to finish Arkham knight, though I doubt I will get the 100% ending for it because the side quests in the game are boring as hell.

  10. I prefer to think of it as someone passionate about what they were creating, responding to a warm (lukewarm) response from some fans,

    and taking it to the people who make these decisions based on algorithms and (dollar) signs.


    So fair play to him.

    And the band of people who stood by him.


    So that's your "everybody" shot down in (internet) flames.


    If that was the case then NBC would have renewed it in January. They didn't.. It only hit a very niche market and it was one of the major reasons that it flopped. It wasn't a bad show, it was actually decent. Just that people have been telling for months that it's dead Jim.

  11. And also a blatant waste of licensing rights. I suppose Mike Carey will get some cash for this, and that's great, but he's really not earned it.


    Not sure he will, he didn't create the characters and we're dealing with DC here.


    Plus Gaiman tweeted a positive reponse to the pilot having seen it himself. Then again he did write Nightmare in Silver so...


    He didn't say it was "Good." Just that it was a mindless fun. But then he could be Bullshitting and trying not to talk down to it.


    It looked like a supernatural version of Sherlock/Elementary/Castle. So while the show itself COULD turn out interesting. I know for fact they wouldn't be able to properly pull of Mike Carey's series due to the budget and being has how Lucifer has near limitless powers and had bigger fish to fry than dealing with the LAPD and solving crimes.

  12. Looked OK, except for her pretty much ripping of Clark Kents persona down the T.


    Works for a newspaper? Check. Wears glasses? Check. Is a dork, but really a super hero? Check. It would have been better if they gave her a new personality and maybe her own identity.

  13. but why wait so long if a decision has already been made? seems to me if they wait this long, they really are considering not canceling it, or why not, if it's been canceled, just say it back when it was canceled and let everyone get on with their lives? yeah?


    If they had faith in it, they would have already renewed it when they were renewing their other shows as well as released it on DVD and Blu Ray.

  14. I think it was canceled ages ago, NBC just didn't want to lose any of that advertiser money. And now that it's done, they're just trolling the guy by constantly giving him all these "2nd chances". Because you know that if they REALLY wanted it to return, they would have just renewed it right away. Rather than pull all this crap.


    I agree with you to a point, based on pretty much nothing but my naturally pessimistic nature I'm inclined to believe that Daniel was seeing hope where none was really being offered by NBC. The news that it's not even getting any kind of Blu Ray or DVD release suggests that they don't think there's any money in the property at all.


    They gave it a pretty good go and can go out with their heads held high.


    That and it's been my experience that usually when networks wait this long to make a decision, it's usually already cancelled. I COULD be wrong and maybe it will get a 2nd season. But all signs are pointing toward no.

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