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Posts posted by wolvy

  1. I loved how the fight scenes were less flashy and much more brutal. In shows like Arrow, he usually just One Hit KO's guys in fight scenes, while in Daredevil it took a shit ton of hits to take out random thugs. (and at that point Matt was already an extremely skilled fighter.).


    I really liked how they showed how Matt was dealing with his inner demons while trying to still maintain his composure. It's going to be interesting if they decide to do another Season and either go into Frank Miller early run or Born Again territory.

  2. I was going to do Paleo but I can't be bothered to the distance with it. So I just make Oat Meal and an apple for breakfast, and then a protean shake, some Yogurt and a peanut butter or tuna sandwich. I really need to get around to cooking enough chicken breast and brown rice for lunch for the week. If I have the free time I usually make a smoothie with oat meal, Kayle, greek yogurt, blue berries and almond milk for breakfast.

  3. Are there machines or just free weights? Using the assisted pull up machine might help, if there is one.


    There is but it's constantly broken. LOL. They have machines and some free weights. For awhile I was making a breakfast smoothie before I left but I got to the point of not being bothered enough to go through the hassle of gathering everything for it, so I've opted just to make oat meal and having Yogurt for lunch. Sometimes making Chicken with brown rice.

  4. I do a few crunches and every time I've tried to do pull ups my left shoulder pops a lot. Happens when I do push ups as well. It's one of the downsides to working with family when you are younger.



    A word advice to youngsters. DO NOT WORK WITH FAMILY. EVER. No good comes from it.

  5. Managed to beat Dying Light and Dragon Age: Inquisition. Both games were incredibly fun at the start but between the main story missions, they felt kind of dead and boring. It didn't help that Dying Lights story line was good and then extremely cliched toward the end. DA:I was great during the main story, but the side quests and landscapes just felt dull and completely not worth it. My main complaint with Dying Light is that towards the end of the game the main character becomes nearly an unstoppable killing machine, you get to a point where you can simply back hand the zombies away like flies. Also, Dragon Age felt the same way too.


    Now I just have to finish Far Cry 4 and wait for The Witcher 3 where I don't have to worry about being the savior of the land and can just be a prick to people who deserve it. And bang bar maids and other characters.

  6. Been working out 3 -4x a week since this month. So far I'm slowly getting stronger and TRYING to get buggered enough to change my diet and get up early. so far I'm starting to see some very minor increases in muscle mass and strength. Though my college gym sucks a bag of dicks because the room that has the Squat rack and the bench press are reserved only for the sports teams (which is a pretty fucking stupid idea. But whatever.) Trying to get myself into decent enough shape so that in June when I start doing Muay Thai it won't totally kill me.

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  7. It should have stood on its own, yeah.

    The same is true of Star Wars though. Lucas didn't expect the film to succeed, and wrote a complete ending for the film, but it surprised everyone and became a huge hit. So, we ended up with a never-ending series of Star Wars stories (figuring in comics, novels, video games, cartoons).

    I wish Indiana Jones would have stayed at just one film too.

    Same with Jaws.

    There are probably a number of films where the original intent was just to have one movie, but they made so much money that studios decided they had to keep churning them out. Those are just off the top of my head.


    Speilberg mentioned that he didn't really want to do Crystal Skull because after The Last Crusade that was the last story. Hell, the movie even ends with them riding off into the sunset. I'd say that's pretty much a curtain call right there.

  8. From the sound of it, I take it that he hired Jenkins simply because Jenkins wouldn't stand up to him. I actually liked David Hine's Spawn story, then I ended up confused as hell because all the major changes that occured were pretty much forgotten and ignored for the new Spawn Jim Downing. Then I ended up dropping the title a few issues later because it was taking way too long to get the fucking point.

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