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Posts posted by Sickboyfilms

  1. If she has him out of the flat now then she's safe. To be honest even if you had known which flat it was you really don't look like a fighter. Your a good bloke for being concerned, many wouldn't be, keep an ear out for any future altercations then maybe you should call the authorities.

  2. I was supposed to go to London this morning and help my girlfriend on a mosaic commission (she went yesterday and stayed over) but I had a hangover and it looked like it was going to rain. Instead I've spent the day next to the television and computer giving her and a few friends regular updates. Thankfully shes on a train heading back to Southampton now.

  3. God, they dug out MPeople's Heather Small to sing at Trafalgar Square just like they did at the Commonwealth games. Does she sit at home waiting for the sports council to ring or something.

  4. I didnt see much but enjoyed Jonathan Ross's links, disappointed that U2 didn't play a longer set. Read in the Independant today that Dido's appearance prompted "lengthy queues at the food and drink concessions", classic.

  5. Well I would like to say Spider-mans abilitlies. But what good would web slinging do me in the mountains?


    So i'm going to say either Nightcrawlers ability to teleport to places he has seen.


    Dont want to stay at work? *BAMF!" right into your bedroom.


    OOOR Super Streangth, Durablity. "Randy go help me with these rocks." ) use my super streangth to smash them without tiring myself or getting sore.


    OOOR Super Speed, The Speed Force gives me ALL of my speed. So I have all of the Flash's abilities.


    But Mainly I'd love to have the ability to Teleport to where ever. Because there have been times. Exspecially at my last couple of jobs. Where I didnt know why I was there, and just wanted to Teleport home, To the comic shop, Mall, video game store, Girls lock-- I mean my house to master-- watch TV.  What?! Dont look at me like that..  :lol:


    Wouldnt super move out and stand on my own two feet abillity better suit you.

  6. Like McMahon said, the ending was good with all the different agents on the screen. I found the perma stubbled ex cop a bit too much to bear (gruff voice, leather jacket, bit of a past, how original). Like most pilots it wasnt great but there was enough to build. The generic rock music at the end was wanky but once again its a pilot.

  7. Its certainly changed with the increased input of Emily Eavis and not all for the worse, there was a certain romance in the fact you could get through the fence but hell it was crowded some years.

    I'll miss some of the disappearing amateurishness.

  8. If you will. Imagine Peter Parkers PRE spider bite looks, with Deadpool's sense of Humor, Frank Castle's attitude toward life, and John Constantines attitude toward everthing.

    So at 22 you are still moody teenager for whom nothing goes right and no one has it worse than you?

    Doesnt this belong in your other forum as you have gone right back to discussing living in the mountains, no back issues, job etc.

    You want a girl? Get on the internet and find a similar comic reading social misfit.

    I think you're just creating problems for yourself.

    I go around with a scowl on my face and have a horribly cynical attitude when it comes to anything....plus, I'm a tad insane....and tend to go through long months of near hermit-like conditions....yet, I've managed to have many relationships, including my 4 year-plus relationship with the beautiful Terri.

    So, it can't be that!


    Your probably also have a driver license and well paying job.


    Both of those I lack, thansks to moving to the mountains. I currently LIVE on Social Security because the Job market up in this backwoods craphole is damn near non exsistant, and I can't walk around the city like i used to do, to get out of the house. Sense the nearest "small town" is like a 5-7 mile drive down the mountain.


    I'm 22 year's old, and was forced into "retirement" by my family. Maybe i should pull a George Castanza and walk up the nearest girl I see and just say " Hi I'm Randy, I live with my parents, and am unemployed." :icon_rolleyes: :lol:

  9. What's been pissing me off is the outrageous shipping rates people charge.


    I hear that. I'v seen some shipping rates that were just silly.


    So now I have to wait till the San Deigo con or use ebay..

    Oh your life sounds so hard! As a regular Ebay seller for some years I know something is only worth what people are prepared to pay and there is often someone willing to pay over the odds.

    See if the item sells and if it doesnt put in a private offer, you might be surprised.

    I like other people jacking the shipping prices up because thats where I usually close the deal by offering a fair charge (they usually do it to recoup two lots of charges by Ebay and Paypal, that seriously needs looking at, Paypal are an Ebay company).

    What back issues are you after? If I see any around I can always send some on.

  10. ...This year we got told there was no space for our stall as it had been taken up with something else (along with 20 other small shops), we were not too bothered as we both are booked up with other work.

    I see they managed to fit in this tosser though, makes me mad.

    Yeh I noticed that story this morning, you're description pretty well sums them up.


    I haven't been since 92 but the really enjoyable times for me were 86 - The Cure, Half Man Half Biscuit and Bragg (I think) & 87 - Julian Cope. We used to be able to get on the Green Field for free back in those days, I even managed to make a bob or two selling painted tobacco tins.


    We're going to try and take the kids to the Ashton Court Festival near Bristol this year (July 16th and 17th) not sure if we can make it though, but if you're looking to run a stall it's usually pretty busy with a good atmosphere.


    If it wasnt for the fact I'm moving to Australia again I'd go to the Isle of Wight Bestival. Part of the appeal working festivals is I would generally take mates as assistants and with Glasto we'd have a good week away and a great laugh. This year we'll have to sort something else out.

  11. I've been goung to the Glastonbury Festival for donkeys years and working there since 1998, first doing security back stage then setting up a textile stall with my girlfriend.

    This year we got told there was no space for our stall as it had been taken up with something else (along with 20 other small shops), we were not too bothered as we both are booked up with other work.

    I see they managed to fit in this tosser though, makes me mad.

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