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Posts posted by Red

  1. They are absolutley gorgeous. I'm totally jealous of the ear-lizard. Maybe if I stop wearing my hair up I can get away with one at work?


    I saw a lass on the bus the other day with a tattoo on her foot, it was shite, but it got me thinking.


    Goddam, I want another tattoo now.

    Funny. If I ever got a tattoo, it would most certainly not be a picture of poo-poo.

  2. We can do that fisticuff thing once you get your sorry ass over the North sea, then...;)

    I'm pretty sure I could compile a "best of" PMcC's solocareer that'd kick most of those guys you mentioned's ass three ways from sunday.(Is that an expression, btw?)


    And don't you start badmouthing Paul Simon! He's one of my other heroes. (Although he' too did his best stuff before the solo career, oddly enough given that the "& Garfunkle" was pretty much a misnomer)


    (OK, so maybe I have a thing for singer/songwriters named Paul. So sue me :D)

  3. Oh, I'm not saying he's up there with the best Beatles records. But that is after all one motherfucker of an act to follow! Just that he's made some cracking good stuff afterwards too, more than a cut above 99% of what other pop artists make.

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