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Posts posted by Red

  1. Rogan, you know how you're always looking for new gimmicks to "artistically enhance" your posting on this board? Well how about you consequently enchefenize all your posts?


    Or, to put it this way:

    Rugun, yuoo knoo hoo yuoo're-a elveys luukeeng fur noo geemmicks tu "erteesticelly inhunce-a" yuoor pusteeng oon thees buerd? Vell hoo ebuoot yuoo cunseqooently incheffeneeze-a ell yuoor pusts?
  2. Man: Well, what've you got?

    Waitress: Well, there's egg and bacon; egg sausage and bacon; egg and spam; egg bacon and spam; egg bacon sausage and spam; spam bacon sausage and spam; spam egg spam spam bacon and spam; spam sausage spam spam bacon spam tomato and spam;

    Vikings: Spam spam spam spam...

    Waitress: ...spam spam spam egg and spam; spam spam spam spam spam spam baked beans spam spam spam...

    Vikings: Spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam!

    Waitress: ...or Lobster Thermidor a Crevette with a mornay sauce served in a Provencale manner with shallots and aubergines garnished with truffle pate, brandy and with a fried egg on top and spam.

  3. Actually I just think those two guys are funny, sometimes two grumpy old men are just two grumpy old men.

    ...and sometimes they're....ALIENS IN DISGUISE!



    This is the funniest wandering-off-topic thread in a looong while.

    The chef rules! For instance, Keeyah's post, when put through the Encheferizer looks like this:

    Eh.. tees, scunes und booggery. Jully lufely oon a soonny Ingleesh effternuun beffure-a a geme-a ooff cruqooet.
  4. This calls for an avatar change, I think......there, that's better, isn't it?

    Thank you, all, it's nice to know you all(*) welcome me back!


    Rogan, the study trip was about the EU and environmental issues, and since you're not part of the EU and not even on the list to become one anytime soon, I'm sorry, but no. If I do, you'll know. (By the screams and raging fires if nothing else...no wait, you wouldn't know that from everyday would you...hmmm...)


    * 'cept John, who's trying to sound tough while secretly quaking in his pants at the thought of me coming to Dublin...;)

  5. ....which involves pillaging and buring his way across mainland Europe.

    Shhhh....and now I almost had them lulled into a state of defenceless stupor. That's it, I'm going back to Lindesfarne!


    ....and don't think for a second that Dublin being founded by us will somehow keep you safe, John!

  6. On a lighter note...love that last pic, Red. Manages to combine a pretentious pose with hideous clothes, a beard which is almost as bad as my current effort, and that magnificent hairstyle to wondrous effect. Congratulations on a truly embarrassing photo.

    Pretentious, MOI?


    ...and that's not a beard, that's 2 days' stubble!


    Is there any reason you don't believe me to be the reincarnation of Christ, then, Mark? :)

  7. Shit, it seems I missed all of Erika's postings. Were they deleted, John? <EDIT>

    Erika, if you read this and are still around, I'd still want to see the pics. Maybe you could PM me?


    Here's me with beard:



    ...and without (or with a lot less, anyway):



    ...and here's my big secret :D :


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