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A. Heathen

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Posts posted by A. Heathen

  1. I always thought that was the webmaster or moderator's job?, or am i wrong? or is it that if you happen to have the time to kill to make it over 3000 posts, does that automatially put you in some position of authority to go slapping people's wrists and reprimanding people in a holier-than-thou and sometimes wholly patronising and deeply contradictory way?


    No, you may have noticed that the moderator here lets most people hang themselves with their own intestines. It's called voluntary self censorship and some are fucking useless at it.


    Everyone on these boards, and i mean EVERYONE including you Tom and including you Mark, have been just as guilty of this "bullshit on both sides"(and why the fuck there is these notions of "both sides" in the first place really irks me) as anyone else has so really there is no case for anyone here to be exonerated or admonished from any blame or guilt for their supposed bad behaviour against this Tears person nor should there be any displays of holier-than-thou righteous indignation on the part of another board member to go telling off others for the comments they've posted up against him, in fact the best advice anyone gave to defuse this situation was from Qusoor i think it was and it simply involved using the "IGNORE" option....but ironically, people keep IGNORING that option open to them as well.


    I don't see why one should have to "IGNORE" something posted onto a public forum. My memory is failing me, but, can anyone recall who has been the most vociferous opponent of TiR on this forum ? I think it might be Tom, but I stand to be pointed in the direction of someone else.

  2. I like you Tears.


    Which is why the most annoying fact is that you insist in referring to "this forum" as having a blanket view of That Awful Film, Hellblazer, you, or ANYTHING

    (except for the now redundant Matador).


    We know you do it for kicks,

    but puh-lease come and join in the wider discussions.

  3. No, but move it down the forums index page to the very bottom of the list so everyone forgets its there. In a hundred years we'll discover seventy eight posts from Tears saying stuff like "See? Constanteen did better than <insert latest comics adaptation here, probably including Peanuts the live action movie> !"


    And a post saying that three people in Antarctica watched Constanteen last week.


    All those people who want to not post here, should have a bot of self-restraint rather than ask McMahon to mother them.


    Oh come on, it would be at least 92 by then.


    The other 14 will be you trying to get ideas about other comic series to unbastardise.

  4. No, but move it down the forums index page to the very bottom of the list so everyone forgets its there. In a hundred years we'll discover seventy eight posts from Tears saying stuff like "See? Constanteen did better than <insert latest comics adaptation here, probably including Peanuts the live action movie> !"


    And a post saying that three people in Antarctica watched Constanteen last week.


    All those people who want to not post here, should have a bot of self-restraint rather than ask McMahon to mother them.

  5. Why is it that when you find one review that agrees with you, it is automatically "well thought out" but all the very similar detailed and coherent arguments against most of what your IMDB friend says is not ?


    You should put that review as one of the extras on the DVD so as people know what they have been watching.


    One phrase to deflate the chap's whole argument:


    "Those who complain that John never used any firearms in the comics, think again. He did wield the Holy Winchesters (I’m not sure what issue/arc, but I remember their presence). "

  6. I was tempted to vote for this bloke,



    Brian Haws in Parliament Square


    but I'm not a big fan of single issue party politics.


    Instead I had to choose between five "Tories"


    Conservative (a Tory Central rising star),

    Veritas (right of Tory)

    UKIP (ex-Tory right wingers)

    LibDem (ex Tory councillor from the very worst Tory Council EVER - under "Lady" Shirley Porter.)

    Labour (Tory by default. By de fault of Blair)


    So the Green party got mine.


    And the Tory chappie whose job it is to stand outside and try and count who people voted for was disgruntled when I said "No". Perhaps I should have said mind your own business !

  7. Well, you know, he sees two men having a discussion and he automatically thinks of "bummers", there's got to be something going on.


    And he's one of them musicians !

    Like Cluff Richard, Elton John and that one out of Pet Shop Boys.

  8. QUOTE(Adrian)

    Yeah, so, in that "two hours later" that we've already discussed, Angie chose to nip across the road to her family cafe to stock up on cheap religious holiday souvenirs with a view to taking the piss out of That Awful Film.



    I never realised Lourdes was so close to Liverpool.


    Okay, I'll stop picking your sore spot.

    You appear to have missed my point again, which is in keeping with your desire to have every plot hole filled with exposition. On this we disagree.

    It's like the legendary middle issue of Black Flowers isn't it?





    I dunno you get to read the stories months in front of everyone else, and then the buggers make you wait even longer !

  9. sometimes you're more willing than most of us to accept 'plot holes' as an intrinsic part of a given story


    Nope, I'm just willing to look at the painting, not the brush strokes.

  10. Yeah, so, in that "two hours later" that we've already discussed, Angie chose to nip across the road to her family cafe to stock up on cheap religious holiday souvenirs with a view to taking the piss out of That Awful Film.


    But meanwhile ...

    To paraphrase Chekov (because I can't rely on the internet for an accurate quotation), "If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it must absolutely go off. If it's not going to be fired, it shouldn't be hanging there."


    And Hitchcock, who said you don't put a dagger/gun in scene one unless someone is going to use it later.


    Note that neither of them says if you are going to use something in scene seventeen you must show it in scene two. Of course, it is easier to avoid technical criticisms if you do, but there you go.

  11. Some of our answers proved you wrong, some of them gave you an alternative ("no prize") answer, and the ones you never ever respond to say you were right.


    Christ. Calm down, Ade.


    I don't think any of the answers "proved" me wrong, since it was basically your interpretation vs. mine. Although I was won over on the "Angie hides the bodies" one, and I'll Mark the benefit of the doubt on John's expression and Angie's "god save her" suggesting that they were slightly uncomfortable. The others I remain entirely unconvinced by.


    And if the "no prize" answers thing means answers which explain away plotholes via some creative mini fanfic (like suggesting Angie nicked the holy water even though she's never been identified as a kleptomaniac and the water was never shown in the possession of Cheryl and Tony in the first place) then I'm going to lump them in with the genuine mistakes.


    And that "the whole world is wrong" remark was meant as a joke, assuming that's what upset you. If it was the rice cake/shit sandwich remark, then please note that the rice cake (as per Wolfram's similie) is this issue and the shit sandwich is almost every issue that Azz released (with the exception of about seven or eight).


    the ones you never ever respond to say you were right.


    I'm not sure what you mean by this. I never responded to the ones where you made a joke or something because I thought that you weren't disputing them. What would be the point of that? And if that's your point, why does the "never ever" sound like a criticism?



    Please read what I typed again, because you seem to have read some antagonism into it that simply was not there.


    I was merely responding in keeping with your "everyone else is wrong" playfulness, by pointing out that it was not as black and white as you versus everyone else.


    The interesting thing is that your original comments were on the offensive (as opposed to "offensive" I hope you understand) and now you've gone all defensive about your point of view. This is not a place where everyone has to agree with each other, as I hope you will agree, or not. So, when someone gives you an alternative viewpoint, why does one have to be wrong and the other right ?


    (By the way, when I say "you", I mean in the general sense, not you. Okay?)


    One thing I will take issue with is your snippy little fan fic comment.

    Since we don't get the whole story, there are plenty of plausible gaps that we have to fill in ourselves. From the space between panels to what happens between Azzarello's run and Carey's etc, but including the "how did that get there?" sort of things. Some of these are matter-of-fact like the Lourdes thing, some of them are due to gaps left by bad editing, bad writing or bad art.

    Any more stuff like that and I'll be obliged to call you names.

  12. The simple fact, James, is that you care enough to notice the "mote in Hellblazer's eye". Some of your original list is opinion, some of it is interpretation and a whole lot of it was mistakes made somewhere in the production.


    Some of our answers proved you wrong, some of them gave you an alternative ("no prize") answer, and the ones you never ever respond to say you were right.


    At least you don't prefer the comics equivalent of having your cock licked by a vicious dog.


    Give me three and half years of story over a decent issue every quarter (on average).

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