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Posts posted by ACXchan

  1. Rrrr I missed a lot on this thread!


    Kinki-I have a real problem with those militant feminists. If a woman wants to marry a man and have kids and work in the home, that's her freaking decision! It doesn't mean the partiarchal system brainwashed her into doing what the man wants. Some women consider working in the home and raising kids a fulfilling, full-time job.


    Is this attitude still around then? I thought we were in a post militant feminist era?

    A girl in one of my classes considers herself a feminist, she thinks the S.C.U.M. Manifesto is the greatest thing on this earth and that we should all forgive Solanas for shooting Warhol :o She thinks women who choose to stay at home and raise children are 'ignorant'. I'm pretty sure most feminists aren't like this but it's disappointing to hear this kind of thing from someone who's only 20 years old, hrm.


    Anyway I know there are many branches of feminism and some I can agree with, but things like equality overlap with groups that push for racial equality and transgender equality, so it's not enough for me to call myself a feminist. Equalityist.... maybe... :biggrin:?

  2. Thanks Slick man, good to hear from you again! I'm planning to turn on the waterworks because I do think it's unfair that I'm going to get penalized for trying to avoid an accident.... My driving record isn't that clean, one speeding ticket for doing 54 in a 40 zone, but my accident record is spotless. I hope the judge believes me :sad:

  3. I'm sad. I got a traffic ticket today for taking the carpool lane on a freeway on-ramp. I was merging into the metered lane. A utility truck in front of me decided to do the same without signaling. I swerved around him to avoid possibly clipping his car or having to brake right on the lane divider. This is how I ended up in the carpool lane. A CHP car was sitting on the side of the freeway several yards in front of the meter. I got on the freeway, lights went on. The on-ramp is U-Turn style so from where he was stationed he wouldn't have seen the truck incident on the street. I told him what had happened anyway and managed to point out the truck as it rolled by on the freeway. He didn't believe me and wrote me up anyway :sad: I came home and told mom about it, she didn't believe me. Now I'm waiting for dad to come home to tell him about it and I know he won't believe me.


    Who knows how I can fight this, because I don't think I should be penalized for avoiding an accident. It would be nice if I didn't have to use a judge's decision to convince my parents of all people, but right now I'm more upset by the fact that they don't believe me than getting a ticket. Would be nice to not have to pay $271 either :glare:

  4. I didn't watch the whole show either but I was glad that Ang Lee got an Oscar. I did NOT want Brokeback Mountain to win Best Picture, I still think the movie is overrated, but I wasn't to sure about Crash winning it :blink:

  5. I think we've got a few TAs that are going to document our senior show so I'll have pictures at some point. Installation's next Tuesday, show's next Thursday, time's running short :o


    Can you get someone to roll tape on it and encode it so we can see? I can encode it if you can get it here.

    We record all our shows on tape and I think I can actually get it on DVD, but I don't have a DVD ripper. Can you work with that...? I'm going to have to get all my pieces off those tapes for portfolio eventually :biggrin:


    By the way, is anyone interested in any of the stuff I put in the selling/trading sub-forum? I'm gonna list that stuff on eBay this weekend unless someone wants pictures.

  6. I want to visit every country in Europe, even the ones I can't point out on a map. Then I'd like to go down along the asian pacific coast to Australia and make my way back to Europe through Africa.


    And uh, for places I can actually get to... it'd be nice to go back to NYC for a little while.

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