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Posts posted by ACXchan

  1. I live in MetroManila, which includes Manila and the other cities.

    The traffic is horrible, (rivals Bangkok), but the sunsets are beautiful.

    That's right you better recognize our superiority when it comes to bad traffic :) I remember once it took us an hour and a half to get to Mall Bangkapi, and we lived like only 15 miles away.


    I like where I live right now, very Suburban America-ish if Suburban American can be 50% asian! My family's had this house for about 20 years. We still have coyotes and deer but we live about 30 miles from Downtown LA.

  2. Avaunt! Glad to see you're still around sorta, lost in time or whatever it is :biggrin:


    I got through my Senior Exhibition art show. It was a success I think, more crowded than average for a winter exhibition. I got some compliments on my piece, but mostly for the things featured in my photographs. I had eight 9x9 photos stacked four on four.


    one of the photos

  3. I didn't get no PM from him yet hehe.


    And it was unfair, I was a bit annoyed. The previous speakers were going into overtime, the prof was being too lenient on that until we noticed we had half the class left.


    Edit: Whoops I did get a PM from him, replied now!

  4. So the purpose of the survey... it was interesting to see how the artist results varied between comic artists, fantasy artists, classical artists, and modern artists (1900-present). The true purpose of the paper however was to suggest that GLBT representation in comic books is just as important/influential as GLBT representation in art by virtue of the fact that comic books reach a wider audience than modern art. I stuck with 1900s to the present because it was my instructor who dismissed comics as unimportant and low-brow, juvenile, only for teenaged boys, etc. etc. compared to modern artists like David Wojnarowicz.


    All of your answers worked BUT.... during presentations I was cut off about 1/3 into it :mad: We went in alphabetical order, woe is me I'm an N, so what was a 15 minute limit became a 7 minute limit. In any case I worked without names and divided occupations by art field-major/non-art field-major. Regarding uploading my paper here.... can I think about it until I get a grade back :laugh:?

  5. After V's monologue Evey says "So you're like a crazy person."


    Stephen Fry mentions the eggy in a basket. I think Gordon was made to be gay because Stephen Fry plays the role, typecasting in reverse.


    Three of my friends, non-comic fans, went to see it last night. Two of them liked it and want to read the comic book now, the other one didn't really get it and shuddered when Prothero was featured half naked :lol:

  6. I was wondering about that myself.

    So, if a person is really, really nice and cheerful to you, but is hunch-backed, over-weight, and suffers from a lazy eye and acne, you're not going to tip them as much?

    No, nice service gets the 20% all the time. The bonus is a bonus *for me*, not a bonus in loose change. My bad :biggrin:

  7. ACXchan:

    (bonus if they're nice AND attractive)


    So does that mean you're happy to perpetuate western society's valuation of glamour over inner beauty, or is it just the subtle way you indicate to wait staff that you're willing to pay for sex? :)

    Pfft, I said nice AND attractive. The combination of the two is like SHAZAM 8-) I might still pay for sex though.

  8. Thanks guys! I think it's okay for me to explain the paper after I get lots of responses but before I quote in the paper. That way the nature of the paper doesn't influence your responses but you still have a choice to be included or not. Thanks for asking, Christian :biggrin:

  9. Hey guys, I got a 15 page final paper to write for a class. I've been surveying other students and thought STH might be helpful too :biggrin: Please state your first name and major, or if you are out of college your occupation. If you are in grade school or undeclared then list student. If you are unemployed then put whatever makes you happy 8-)


    Name three visual artists (painting, sculpting, photography, etc.), alive or dead.


    Name three comic book titles (American, British, Japanese, any), current or finished.


    No Googling. That's all, and if you draw a blank just put down whatever you know, or don't know. Responses will be quoted with just your name and occupation/major. Thanks!

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