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Posts posted by Christian

  1. "Like most everything in life, it will eventually end."


    Marvel Knights is a god awful place anymore. I have no idea what Marvel is attempting to do with the line and I'm sure they have no focus for the line either. M.K. was good for about 2 years, and then Marvel really stopped working at it.


    Do you remember something called "Spider Man:Black Cat" by Kevin Smith at Marvel? It's what? Three years late? Yet the fans of that series were expected to realize that the genius of Smith cannot be rushed and that he has priorties in life other to be a comic book writer. There were no apologies, no reasons offered (because Smith was allowed to goof off because he IS Kevin Smith). Shite like this happens all the time in comic books today, and Karen Berger is not the mastermind behind all of it.

  2. What the hell was the purpose of this thread.....?


    Rogan-What comics by Macan have I read? All his "Star Wars" work, Corinthian, Hellblazer, those short stories he wrote for the Vertigo anthologies, Grendel, Cable/Soldier X, that Capt. America mini, a short story he wrote for "X-Men Unlimited", Bete Noir (thanks to you). I think that's everything.

  3. Yes, Twilight. "Quiver" is one of the better Green Arrow stories. It includes a fucked-up version of the old characters Stanley and his Monster.


    :lol: , I love John's apperances in Crisis and Teen Titans. It shows that DC had no idea what to do with the character at that point and time.


    Yeah, some of those one panel deaths from Crisis made one wonder what the point was...."We don't care about this character, we need deaths, let's just get rid of him and move on".

  4. I agree it's an endless loop and that we shouldn't glorify or exonerate Palestinians for blowing up buses of innocent people.

    But, what is the answer for the Palestinians? Their plight was totally ignored by the world and Israel has all the power and control, the Palestinian plight didn't become a real issue until the world started to ask, "Why are these people blowing themselves up?"

    If they do nothing, they're sure to get beaten down and never have any hope. So, it's really hard to draw the line and look for easy answers or excuses.


    This is where I got "and you're telling them they just need to accept their fate and make the best of it?", because I'm not sure where it's coming from, as the comparison makes no logical sense to me:

    "No, of course it's not exactly the same thing. Yes, the Israelis clearly have the advantage. But again, if we're criticizing them, and rightly, for falling back on centuries of mistreatment to justify beating down another group of people, aren't the Palestinians doing a variation of the same if they're just tossing up their hands and going, "ah, I'm tired of being treated like subhumans. Time to DO THE EXACT SAME THING by blowing up a tour bus full of people." They're using their very real and very wrong suffering as an excuse to do pointless, violent things that just perpetuate how they're being unfairly beat down."


    The Israelis are not in the situation you are disussing anymore. They are the powerful now. The Palestinians are now the hopeless people, once again, not that I am condoning their killing innocent civilians. They're not falling back on centuries of mistreatment that are really no longer relevant, they are falling back on their current situation.

    Now, if the Israelis and Palestinians agreed to a peace process forming a two-state solution, and then the Palestinians continued to attack innocent Israelis, then yes, it'd be exactly what you are saying.

    We're arguing around in circles now because Red and I have replied almost exactly the same to this on a number of occasions now.

  5. Then someone asks, 'How do you sleep at night?'

    With the borrowed dreams from a broken past

    You keep runnin' away don't matter how fast or long you always wind up there

    Another thousand pileups in the ugly name of morality

    Fucking ugly, some creepy guy keeps asking

    'How the fuck do you sleep at night?'

    With a frozen dream and a borrowed hope that died

    Filth pig, filth pig

    I sleep with both eyes open

    Filth pig, filth pig

    I keep chasing this tail but the tail gets bigger goes bigger

    A thousand ...... keep the fires and flames alive

    So how the fuck do I dream at night?

    With the memories of a borrowed death, the guilty tide

    Filth pig, filth pig

    He sleeps with both eyes open

    Filth pig, filth pig

    He sleeps all right because he's a

    Filth pig

  6. What's he doing now?! I haven't seen any work from him in ages! I think that issue of "X-Force" he did the cover for back in 2000 was the last I've seen of him, unless I'm totally forgetting something! Did Marvel give him an exclusive contract and then lock him the basement???

  7. Vertigo's paying them in beer, because they realize a B&W slife-of-life comic about sad Irishmen is going to sell worse than "Swamp Thing" (even though it'll still read 150 times better!).

    Meanwhile, Marvel is paying them millions of dollars to write any crap assignment they find laying around the office.


  8. hmmm....I don't see it either. Me and Red don't see it. OK.

    Pooka, Keeyah, Kinki....they all see it. That makes sense....And....MEANER?!



    "Ok, so i'm NOT in my 24-hours-posting form... YET."

    It's like coming back to an old lover, right Rogan?

  9. No, no....it's time we stopped lying and revealed out true intentions.

    Yes, it's true. All Americans are right-wing religious psychos. Even us here on the Forum. We pretended long enough, to gain all of you evil foreigners, but now the truth is out and we can hide it no longer. We will now implement our master plan to convert the world to Christianity, starting with this web-site.

    It's just like the movie "The Body Snatchers"!

  10. "And yes, to a degree, the basic sentiment of "Israel has a right to defend itself" is something I hold true...any nation does. As brutalized as the Palestinians are, strapping a bomb to yourself and blowing up a bus full of people solves WHAT, exactly? If we're going to point fingers (and we should) at the Israelis for using their history as an excuse to persecute another group of people, it would be incredibly hypocritical to let the Palestinians off the hook for doing what's essentially the same thing on a much smaller scale."


    No, the Palestinians are still living in an apartheid state.

    That's like stating that Jewish people fighting against Pogroms is caused by the fact that they were persecuted in the past instead of their conditions.

    You're taking Israel as a soverign nation and there is no reason to do this. Just because Israel was being used as a pawn piece in the Cold War, it became recognized as a country, doesn't make it so in the eyes of the world.

    The Palestinian people had their land stolen from their by outside forces and handed over to someone else, and then they've been completely ignored and invalidated since then because of the U.S.'s continued need of Israel as a strong military power, and you're telling them they just need to accept their fate and make the best of it?

    Suicide bombing is NOT a natural thought process for the human animal, and unless you are going to make some sort of grande Social Darwinian claim about the Palestinians, it shows the complete and utter lack of any hope left to them in their current state.

    It makes more sense to state that the Palestinians are trying to protect their land with that thought process.

  11. Yep, it was all caused by short-sightededness on the part of a fastly declining Imperial power, the downfall of all Empires, and the main reason why Empires should be untenable in our world.

    Britain pretty much just wanted to get the hell out of there while they could. Certainly not the only example of this sort of thing occuring after the decline of the Colonial powers, Iraq being another very relevant example in your local newspaper today.

    Lots of under-handed back deals and back stabbing lead to the creation of Israel.



    Kinki-I wasn't saying you were taking a stance, that was misworded. What I meant is that many Jewish people who have turned from Zionist culture take the stance that Israel and the Jewish people should have learned from their treatment throughout history and become an incredibly tolerant people, which is what you said in your first post.

  12. I think there is an actual increase in the numbers, Selkie. Sure, they are more visible and vocal because they have channeled and entity known as Bush, but this will also lead to an increase in the numbers. Anything that is more visible is sure to attract more adherents.

    We're in a "changing time" in history right now, and the "End Times" have become more popular. Jesus is set to return any day now, haven't you heard? This type of talk tends to lead people to think of Revelations vs. global warming, mass extinction. It's a very strong primordial image engraved into the brains of humanity, this talk of "End Times".


    (aside)And it's so funny because I highly doubt the mass majority of these Christians have any idea what the FISH actually represents!


    Of course, things aren't so out of hand that the people who are trying to get Creationism taught as an actual science (or at least as worthy as evolution) are suceeding.

  13. It says his post was at 9:43 a.m. on my screen, but that doesn't mean anything.


    Do you want to know about my sleep schedule, Kinki?! Huh? Huh?


    Let's see....I got offline at about 2 a.m. and then got into bed about 4 a.m., then went to sleep around 6 a.m. and got up at 11:30 a.m., usually I sleep a lot longer than this, but the times I went to sleep are normal for me.

  14. Gore was owned by the pharmecutical industries.


    You're right that I don't believe Clinton or Gore would've invaded Iraq. Doesn't mean they wouldn't have messed up some part of the world. Some political analysts actually state that they believe Clinton's under-handed measures to gain control of the world through economic instead of military means was more devious and hurtful.


    "The way I see it, he's for all businesses and against the workers, except when political realities require him to temporarily tack into the wind."

    This is always the case with the big two U.S. parties, although perhaps nowhere near the extent of Bush. He's a special case.....

  15. I keep saying that WildStorm is slowly taking the place Vertigo used to have, while Vertigo is transforming into the new Paradox Press.....



    "She promised City Light in vertigo X, and I have never seen anything else about the project since, . Its a mushroom policy, keep the readers in the Dark and feed them shite."

    We can't feel that Berger is responsible for this. It's Ennis and Dillon that have no finished writing the project that they commisioned to Vertigo. Maybe you're saying Berger should address this topic to the fans? Fair enough. But, at the same time, we're in an age of comic books where creators who have contracts decide not to finish their work on time. I remember a few years back, there were FIVE issues of "Daredevil" in ONE WHOLE year. "Daredevil" was always commisioned as an ongoing, MONTHLY title, but yet the editor wasn't going around explaining why D.D. was so late to all the fans every month. In fact, I'm pretty damn sure it was in fact Mr. Quesada who was responsible for D.D. being so late as he was the artist!

    Joe Quesada and Bill Jemas aren't exactly looked upon as the creme de la creme when it comes to editors anyway. There are many well-deserved criticisms leveled at the two that I agree with. Yes, they published some damn great, even groundbreaking work at Marvel during their tenure, very ture.

    But, how long has Berger been editor at Vertigo? Look at the all the good that's come from Vertigo during her tenure too, even though there are many well-deserved criticims being leveled at her.

  16. It's currently uncompleted.

    It was contrived as an ongoing series, now it's sort of up in the air of what will become of it.


    I'm actually excited about "NextWave" too. It had a long article in the last CSN and it sounds really fun and the idea of no story lasting for more than 2 issues makes me actually dare to buy something by Warren Ellis again!

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