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Posts posted by Christian

  1. It still all seems like a nightmare, that it can't be true.


    So, what I've been thinking about today is, am I so sad because I miss her or am I sad because I know that eventually I won't remember.

    That's not to say that I'll ever forget Terri. That would be impossible. I know for a fact I'll never love anyone as much as I loved her.

    What I mean is I'll have memories of my time with her, but the emotions won't be there anymore. I won't remember the way she smelled, the way her hair felt, or the sound of her voice, won't remember her favourite foods, or probably even the cute things she would say that just endeared her to me.


    "....Everything is forgotten, even a great love. That's what's sad about life, and also what's wonderful about it."

    -Albert Camus, A Happy Death

  2. I think "Fear Street" are for ages 14 or over.


    Do they still make the "Goosebumps" books?

    I'm sure you can find the old ones for really cheap on Amazon or used book stores.

    I think I have some used "Goosebumps" books stored away somewhere from one of my failed attempts at starting a relationship.


    How about C.S. Lewis' Narnia books? They'll make good Christians out of those pagan heathens, eh?


    "In addition, I'm a HUGE fan of Roald Dahl's children's books."

    They'll fuck you up, Red! 'swhat happened to me!

  3. I agree with Red.

    It didn't work on an emotional level with me.

    It was one of the Grant Morrison misses, which are sure to occur with a writer of that style.

    "Seaguy" wasn't a dream story, it didn't even work as surrealism. I love surrealism, but "Seaguy" can't even be considered in that genre. It was a bunch of random ideas that Morrison threw at the reader and none of them stuck. Morrison should try putting a plot with those ideas, as he's done with his series since then, it works much better.

  4. Yes, it certainly was a shame for "Swamp Thing", considering how things went for that book after Veitch.

    I don't really think Gaiman had the time to do S.T., and considering the output we got from Gaiman during the period he'd have been writing S.T., I'm happy that things went the way that they did.

  5. 18 is fine. Enjoy yourself now! Havw a great birthday!


    Yep, 25....you'll have a job and a relationship....

    By 26 you'll be unemployed and homeless.

    By 30 you'll have lost your true love.

    Now, you need to worry about getting old and dying alone! Welcome to my world, enjoy the ride!

  6. "Iron Man Vol 4 #5 - this the Warren ellis one? If so, yes/else no."

    Yes, Lou. That's Ellis'.


    "Alan Moore Spells It Out"

    Isn't that just the Trade that collects "The Birth Caul" and "Snakes & Ladders"? So, if you already own those comics, you won't need this. Now, if you do not own those comics, you bloody well better save up for this book, as those are amazing, beautiful, intellectual, mind-bending comic books that every Alan Moore fan NEEDS to own! Among his best work ever, even if it's not really a fiction comic story.

  7. How was Delano better known? "Hellblazer" was his first mainstream comic work. Maybe Delano was some huge cult favourite in England before coming to America? I can't even see that, as his work before DC didn't consist of very much (mostly 2000 A.D. shorts, some Dr. Who) or very high quality.

    Gaiman at least had the "Black Orchid" mini under his cap.


    I would not trade Jamie Delano as the first "Hellblazer" writer for ANYONE! His run is as close to perfection as you can get, for me, and I'd be afraid to lose that, as Delano's run is the J.C. I love.


    "In Moore's Swamp Thing, the deaths of John's friends come during a big, apocalyptic build-up so it's not unreasonable to imagine it's a one-off thing."

    Not to mention that all of the deaths of John's friends in S.T. was so fast with no time to react, so it didn't come across as that big of a deal, just some one-off people being killed in an apocalypse.


    Gen-"would have wanted to read the Corinthian mini (is it in the Sandman trades? I dont remember)"

    It's a 3-issue mini-series written by Darko Macan called "Sandman Presents:The Corinthian-Death in Venice". It's never been collected.

  8. It was my first New Year's alone since 2000.

    And, you know what I found out? It's a day like every other fucking one!

    It's truly a day to celebrate only if you have someone to love near you.

    Otherwise, you just on with business as usual and ignore clocks and countdowns.

  9. Yeah, but if you think about it, there are only so many different kinds of stories you can tell with Hellblazer.

    Carey took the book in a much more Fantasy oriented direction.

    I'd like to see the books go in a slice-of-life direction, but that's not going to help the books sales!

    If you look at most comics, they all do the same things. For how long has X-Men been playing it safe, doing the same types of stories over and over? Yet X-Men is still one of the top-selling comic books consistently every month.

    Comic readers tend to be an anal lot!

  10. Spider got some kind of weird parasite virus earlier this year. Creepy stuff!

    He wrote about in the Forum quite a bit. Hard to forget about it if you read it.


    I can barely remember 1997-2000 anymore. Can't think of anything really bad happening or anything really exciting either. I think they were just comfortable years, where life went on around me, while I just existed.

    2001 is a year I don't talk about. Just made a ton of stupid decisions that I'd like to forget about if at all possible.

    May of 2002-March of 2005 were amazing times in my life. I can't say they were perfect, as there was a lot of turmoil in there, but overall I'd rank them as the best years of my life, certainly since I was a boy. Incredibly good memories with Terri, lots of fun moments.

    I think everyone has heard enough about how awful the rest of 2005 was for me.

    Even though I ranked 2003 as a wonderful year, I'm going to say based on the little info here that my even years are also so much better than my odd years. Oh, and what odd years they have been!

  11. We were two lost souls, seeking something, in the dead of night. We found each other, like a star's light shining from the black sky. We didn't have anything else worth saving.

    I called her my "dream girl". She called me a "lifeline". The time we spent together, when we were happy, was like a story crafted by the finest romantic poet; oblivious, time spiraling around us. Amazing how the greatest moment in life can signal a death-knell, perhaps like the alarm clock ringing in the morning, waking you from that dream, time to go to another day of work.

    Maybe we were too happy and that was a wake-up call to both of us, that this was too good to be true. It was like having the most wonderful dream in the world, and never wanting to wake up, but then realizing it's all fantasy and you have to come back to reality. You fight to keep that dream alive, but the outside world is what is real, is what one needs to face, you can never go back to the dream. Keep it warm inside you, to keep you going on the darkest nights and coldest days, you'll never forget it, but it is just a dream.

  12. :lol: -Werewolves=Ratings, dammit!!!

    What happened to "Human Target"? Cancelled because of low sales. What could Milligan have done differently? An issue where Chance became a werewolf would've save the damn book!

    And, what's the best-selling comic book of all time? X-Men #1? Hell, no! Werewolf By Night, baby!



    I've always been intrigued by that Lupus affair also, but I've always taken it that it had to do with the disease, not werewolves!


    Hellblazer will never appeal to the mass comic book readership because it's about a normal guy with no super powers who dresses in a trenchcoat and smokes fags. The majority of comic book fans buy books with huge guys in tights on the cover or mutants. So, I really don't want "Hellblazer" to conform in order for it to get bigger sales and keep going.

    In todays comic book marketplace, a Vertigo book reaching over issue #200?! Damn, that's amazing!

    Everyone always acts like "Hellblazer" is a book on the verge of being cancelled. Perhaps it is, but at the same time H.B. isn't a book like "Human Target" or "Losers" scratching to make it's way to year # 2. It's already an anomaly.

  13. Gaiman grew bored with comics year ago. Haven't you heard? He's legit now! He just graces all us comic readers with his presence every year as a token of his affection for us fans who made him into a multi-media success.


    And, to get all the Goth girls reading "Hellblazer", John needs to wear black, put on make-up, listen to "The Cure", and mope around a dark mansion all night, whining about how much he hates the curse known as life.


    I don't know how to keep "Hellblazer" alive. From what's going on with "Swamp Thing", I say pull for a whole series of "Constantine" movies! Vertigo will keep a book with 5 readers going for years if it means movie tie-ins!


    I want to see "Hellblazer" become more like "Legends of the Dark Knight" in the coming years. Have different creative teams for every story-arc, and let creators tell stories from any point in J.C.'s history.

  14. If you want to buy your G.N.s in a comic shop to chat with the people, comic specialty stores can all special order any G.N.s or TPBs (that are in print) at your request.


    The Border's book store here in Flint, Michigan has every "Hellblazer" Trade.

  15. I hope everyone is having a much better New Year's than I am.

    Here's hoping 2006 will be much better than 2005 for me, although it's not starting off anything remotely close to good.

    And, here's hoping that everyone has much better time in 2006 than I had in 2005.

  16. Thanks everyone.


    Keeyah-It happened on Tuesday night.


    "i dont know what to say more... i never was in this position but no one can escape this. its just good that we have this forum with all you real people. but i dont want to be reality like this...for no one..."

    I don't want reality to be like this either.

    It's funny, my relationship with Terri was always about escaping reality. My life hasn't been easy for a long time now, and neither was Terri's. We always found escape in our relationship. Amazing how reality can just come crashing down.


    "and i thought this will be a merry thread, having you back again...."

    Ah, thanks Hagren.

  17. Hi everyone.

    Actually, when I said I wouldn't be posting because I was too busy with Christmas presents, that wasn't true.

    I was dealing with a personal issue that I wasn't ready to talk about. In fact, I didn't feel like talking, period.


    I'm sure most of you remember the on-going soap-opera sage of me and my last girlfriend, Terri. She finally broke up with me for good back in Sept., and I took it really hard.

    I received a phone call from her sister recently that Terri was in a car accident and didn't make it.

    It's been really hard on me. Sure, Terri did some things that really hurt me, but she was also a really good person. Even though we weren't together anymore, it still really hurts, and it brings back all those memories. I miss her.

    I loved Terri with everything I had; she was my one, true love.

    I wish that her sister wouldn't have called me, as I would've never known otherwise.



  18. So much to do, I've become too busy to spend hours of fun on this site!

    Don't worry though, I'll be bored by the end of next week and be back here all the time to regale you will amusing anecdotes and Commie goodness!


    Batman:The Animated Series volume 4 DVD


    X-Men Legends 2 for Nintendo GameCube


    Final Fantasy IV for GBA!


    Finally have all the "Invisibles" Trades now! Needed the last 3. Yay!


    Sonic Adventure DX:Director's Cut for GameCube


    Sci-Fi Classics Collection DVD set-Awesome surprise from my aunt who lives in Florida. It has 50 of the greatest sci-fi B-movies from the 50s & 60s.


    David Gray's new CD

  19. "John's occasional sanctimonious streak, despite all of the trouble he causes, is one of the most refreshing, if not likeable things about his character."


    Ah, but John has suffered every day of his life for his decisions. He doesn't glamorize his life, as he realizes how much he's fucked up everyone's life around him. He's come to the realization that he's an addict.

    All the magicians at this meeting (except Clarice), we were to take it, are people who think they're better than everyone else, who haven't paid the price for messing with magic.

    So, John was giving them a wake up call.

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