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Posts posted by Christian

  1. I don't think he can have all that much input to start with. The filmmakers are going to do what they want and just give lip-service to the writer of the original anyway.

    Books like "V For Vendetta" are owned by DC's parent company, and Alan Moore really has no control over what the filmmakers do with the comic material once they've optioned the rights for the film from Time/Warner.

  2. My favourite scene was when the magicians were all mocking John, thinking they were so high and mighty, and then John put them all in their place.

    That's the fucking John Constantine I love!

  3. "u cant possibly say that tim burton wasnt thinkin maybe i should make a character who looks like that billy corgan guy "

    Yeah, but he was hepped up on goofballs at the time.

    Oh wait, Tim Burton? You mean, he wasn't the guy who played Tim, The Tool Man, Taylor?!

  4. Since this is the thread for Revelations, I love ElectricInca, and not in a platonic, manly way.

    But, I'm neither gay nor bi, I actually think ElectricInca is a woman! Yes, even after seeing the pics, I still do not change my belief!

    Marry me, Inca!

  5. :blink:

    No, it's very funny!


    "John, I'm so sorry. I wanted to love you, but I can no longer risk my gorgeous face or long fingernails being scarred by an unhuman half-breed demon, like you are always chasing when you're with your pals the Ghostbusters. I wish you would leave them for me, but know you will never truly love me that much. So, even though I will always love you, I'm sorry, but I must go....."Love, Kit Ryan

  6. If I remember correctly, when "Constantine" was in production, Alan Moore made the decision to not take any part in any movie of his work that was being made. He didn't care if they made movies of his work, as long as they left him totally out of the process. He also donates any proceeds he makes for his comics turned into movies to artists or other creators who worked on said title.

  7. Melissa Etheridge?! Hell, yeah! You've just discovered what would've made this run of "Hellblazer" even better! Next time Mike, put a little more Melissa Etheridge into your writing!


  8. "I'm going to be financially/personally/socially secure and dont have to be so constantly Worried and apprehensive all the time."


    Well, getting out of your 20s isn't necessarily going to accomplish that!

    Here I am 30 (going on 31) and I'm probably farther away quite possibly in all 3 catergories than I was at 25.

  9. Huh?


    The original creators of John Constantine (he first appeared in the "Swamp Thing" comic book) were fans of Sting.

    As a joke, the artists started drawing a character in a trenchcoat who looked like Sting somewhere in the background of each issue of S.T.

    When Alan Moore created the character of Constantine, the artists Rick Veitch and John Totleben decided to use the design for that mysterious Sting-lookalike stranger.

    So, he looks more like Sting in his earlier appearances.

  10. I don't know....

    I agree that my 20s were one long learning experience. I learned so much in my 20s, much more than when I was a teenager.

    Of course, I'm just 30 now, so I've only just moved on from my 20s.

    The 20s were a time for learning hard life lessons, but they were also a lot of fun. My 30th year has been the worst of my life, so far....so I'm not sure I'm looking forward to moving out of my 20s and on into my 30s.

    I might just want to re-live my 20s and learn it all over again too.


    (of course, if I could go back with all I've learned.....)

  11. I....I just....can't take this....

    I thought I had something real with you, Inca.

    God damn it, Inca, don't you realize that I LOVE YOU!

    I needed you, I thought you were there for me, you helped me through a really hard time.

    You gave me hope....and that was so wrong!

    Now, I'm afraid I've had to join this web-site KillYourselfForMe.com where they will pay me to kill myself! :icon_cry:


    Oh, and before I go, I must admit that J. McMahon paid me and Rogan to post here.

    Not a whole hell of a lot mind you, Mr. McMahon! And, Rogan got benefits, but I didn't! It had to be said before I go!

  12. Hey! Wait one fucking second! This was the "How can you tell if someone you know is a Communist" list from the 1950s!!! :lol:

    Ah well, time to dig out my red, velvet frock coat.


    "is that by implication, you can really tell who these sicko Christians are in your community"

    Nope, just one sicko Christian in this (internet) community! :biggrin:

  13. (I'm going to fuck up the spelling of names here, I just know it)


    I find the Wachoskis, M. Night Shamalyan, and Spielberg to all be the most over-rated directors in the business.

    All of them have a real claim to fame with an amazing movie or two, but looking over the sum totality of their work, they really let you down a hell of a lot more than they produce a gem. Something that so many movie goers seem to miss or ignore, as they still rave about the "sheer brilliance" of these three names.

  14. I think it's just a J.C. lookalike. They're all over the comics world.

    "Girl" never impressed me. Perhaps because I hunted it down later instead of buying it when it came out. I had just read too many comics like this by the time I got to "Girl".

    Milligan is a very hit or miss writer. When he's on, he's one of my favourite comic writers, other times he ranges from "a good read" to "barely passable".

    I'd say he is very much an "idea writer", in that he comes up with these brilliant story ideas, but then leaves them as just vague ideas floating around a plot. He doesn't know how to develop those crazy ideas to their fullest (which I see as being the problem of doing too many drugs! :lol: ). Morrison has this problem, at times, but not as much as Milligan. When Milligan does manage to follow through on those ideas, he crafts some of the best comics....although, come to think of it, I'm not sure I've read a Milligan multi-part comic where the last issue hasn't let me down....

    Still, he's penned enough amazing stories to make up for the misses along the way, I think.

  15. I agree with Abhi here. I wear suits just for the hell of it.

    I'm not sure that it attracts women though, I think it may intimidate them (maybe? not sure), as most women don't go around in dresses. Or, if it's just a casual setting, they'll assume that you're going for an interview or presentation or some such. I think they're more attracted to that casual dressy look, like you know how to dress and you aren't just doing it to look important, or some such.

    Now, if you're already with a woman and want to impress her on a date, then you can dress to the nines!


    "Women tend to prefer taller guys, and you fit into that category. Many/most want to be with a guy who's taller than they are. (I don't get it, but that's the way they tend to be.)"


    Terri's 5'9'', she never had a problem with it. I told her she was never to wear high-heels around me! So, I'd say I had more of a problem with it, although it wasn't a major issue or anything.

    Most of the women I know are 5'6'' or 5'7''.

  16. Yeah, I agree with you, Josh.

    Sucks to be those women, but some of us men's track records are really bad, in that the women we do approach are all attached or distant, so that makes us far more hesitant to approach random women.

    It's also the mind-set of the man. I know some men who don't care at all about rejection. They'll ask some chick out on one of the bar, she doesn't bite, he's on the other side of the bar 5 minutes later chatting up another one.


    My best friend from high school and I used to hang out at bars and clubs all the time looking for women, booze, and weed (well, he was after the dope, I was growing out of it). He almost always found some woman to drag along at the places. Hell, he even scored phone numbers at the mall.

    But, all of the women he was getting were women I had no interest in. So, I don't know what that says?


    God, I miss hanging out with him sometime....One time, we're at this bar, and he meets this girl who's interested in him. He talks her into going to our place to smoke some weed. His pick-up line was something like, "Just some good clean smoking dope. No sex or anything. We're not serial killers, ok? Just hang out and smoke."

    She gets up and goes to the bathroom, and I'm talking to him really loud, "So, we gonna off this one the same as the last one? How we gonna finish her off? She's not a prostitute, so we should probably take more time with her, right?"

    He's telling me, "Shut the fuck up! She better not fucking hear you! You're going to fucking ruin this for me!"


    Oh, good times.....

  17. "Well I'm not trying to impress you Christian."

    Fuck! Before you found out what a vagina was (last week) you were trying to impress me!

    God damn it, Inca, I just want things to be like they used to be between us.... :icon_cry:

    And, if I have to have the sex-change operation now to do it, so be it!

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