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Posts posted by Jon

  1. One thing I should note -

    The version you see here is not the final version.

    It's a pretty cruddy low res jpeg of an earlier version which hadn't been retouched by me yet.

    Very soon I'll be able to show you the real deal, and it will look way better, at least to those in the know.


    xo - T



    Would the pencil version of that be too much to ask Tim?

  2. I think it only served to backup some aspects of Jenkin's Hellblazer run.

    That he would banish some of his childhood memories ala Demon Constantine and a small bit of Danni on the side.



    I am sure pooka will apreciatte how you just ruined the big surprise about john´s childhood :ohmy:

  3. yep,that was it.



    ps for fredi:.....mate......just........god,fuck germany.


    general ps 1: fuck germany hard


    general ps 2: sorry if there is someone from germany, my anger is directed to the playersnot germans in general..


    Funny PS: one of my favourites bands is die toten hosen,from germany....i just wont be listening to them for a few days,hahaa

  4. apparently a german player made a joke to one of ours about losing and well........you just dont do that when someone has just got eliminated of the world cup.


    Anyway,a pro player cant react the way he did.




    PS:KILL THE REF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. ................................................................................





    ......................................fuck germany

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