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Posts posted by Jon

  1. i would post something about missing mick and whatnot.....but i didnt bother to read any of the last posts so i dont really know whatthe hell is going on.I just like be the center of attention.



  2. No Flaming Lips?!? So I vote Coldplay.


    Wouldn't the Pistols have had to have sold more albums to qualify as overrated?


    As for those saying the Clash are overrated...I will hunt you down and feast on your entrails! :D



    agree,for fucks sake,how can you say the clash are overrated????? they WERE, without a doubt one of the greatests bands of all times

  3. I dont really give a crap about futbol....but for some reason world cups bring out that little bit of interest that lives somewhere in me. :)



    And i am scared about friday´s match.....if we play like we did with mexico,then we are fucked

  4. theres not much to understand here K.

    In the first one Mel is a futuristic cop in a world where oil crisis is starting.He loses his family and becomes the lone,depressed hero we see in the next two movies.In those movies he just wonders this world where due to the oil crisis things now suck and he meets people and has a few adventures....as simple as that

  5. John Con's posture Jon.

    But I liked it.


    I didnt think of Wolverine. (I missed the heading)

    so I was wondering who that hairy guy was.


    But I liked the random female.

    Only she looked like Honey West.

    She played a pussycat thing.. I dont know

    I saw it in one of the channels that show oldies....


    Er, Jon - too busy to make one of Brad Pitt?

    you can make a caricature, if you wish

    think of him as Spidey's (our Spidey) twin


    Dont Worry Gen, i´ll get to the B.Pitt drawing as soon as i can :lol:

  6. Fredi, you don't know what you are doing. Correcting Spanish? :biggrin: Now you have to explain in English the difference between 'ser' and 'estar'!! I want to see how you do it... :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

    Cowboys from Dallas? I heard that most of them are cowboys from Brokeback Mountains... :biggrin:

    Ahh, so joker I am.

    I once saw a NFL match in Barcelona. Nice game, we all doing the 'wave', but I remember most the big enormous players and the cheerleaders... mmmh...




    thats an easy one


    Ser=To be




    thats roughly the diff :)

  7. I'm sorry, those smiles make John look like a simple comic book character.

    Even Dillon gave it more depth.


    You can't put those obvious facial expressions against the highly emotive work of Sean Phillips.

    No effin contest.

    Leave frusin to the cowboys.


    Jon, whats with your country and exporting Hellblazer artists? :huh:



    I dont know, but its kind of a break trhough, here in argentina you cant really make a living out of comics,so you HAVE to try and get a chance with the big american companys(marvel,DC,vertigo)....and this two guys made it,good for them.




    PS: I am going to be the next one,just give me a decade or so to practice a bit

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